Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Psalm 63  "O God, Thou are my God".   What does that statement mean to you?  Can you say it from your heart?  "Elohiym",  supreme, great and mighty God,  You are my God.  The only True God. The One Who is strength and power and might. The only God I will worship or honor!
"I will seek Thee earnestly.  My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh yearns for Thee."   Is this true of you? Is this true of me?   Do I desire to find Him, to want Him, to love Him and serve Him with every part of me?  With soul and body? Inwardly and outwardly?  Are my thoughts ever drawn towards Him? Every day?
Does my life reflect this truth? Do my words and actions reveal a true thirst and hunger for God?
David's life reflected that truth.  
He loved to be in the sanctuary- the sacred place,  to behold God, to see His power and glory.   Do we  love to go to church?  Do we actually go there to see God?
David loved to praise the Lord.  He sang, he shouted, he lifted up his hands, and he blessed (spoke highly of) the Lord.  When we "worship", do we actually worship?  Do we sing words with our lips but not with our hearts?  So easy to do.  It becomes just habit or ritual, meaningless, or even sentimental.  Without our hearts engaged with real hunger and thirst for our God, without knowing that God is "my God"... it is not really worship at all.
David found satisfaction in God.  He found joy and security and peace in God alone.  He had a deep, strong, loving relationship with God.  "My soul clings to Thee; Thy right hand upholds me." v8
David held onto God and God held onto him.  Day and night,  through good times and bad.
David was not worried about his enemies, because he was confident that those who were evil would be judged and punished by the Judge of all the earth.
This is the life of the one who was called "a man after God's own heart".   He was not perfect, that we know for sure, but he lived most of his life with this driving desire to draw near to God.  He knew God's Word.  He connected with God in prayer and praises every day.  He honored God at every opportunity.  His faith was real and earnest and alive.

This is my New Year's resolution... to follow the example David leaves for us in his writing.
To proclaim that God is my God!
To earnestly seek Him with all my heart, soul, and body.
To attend church with a desire to see God's power and glory, no matter where I am or what else is going on.
To sing and praise God, fully engaged in true worship.
To be satisfied in Him.
To trust God to take care of those who do evil.
Father, help me to live a faith-filled, joy-filled life, clinging to You and knowing that Your right hand upholds me!  Thank You for Your Word and for Your Holy Spirit Who leads me in the Truth.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Matthew 4  After His baptism Jesus is led into the wilderness by the Spirit.  There He fasts for 40 days and nights.  Following that, the tempter comes. Verse 1 tells us that the purpose of this event was for Him "to be tempted by the devil."  The devil, the diabolos - the traducer, leading in lies and accusations, is here assigned to the role of tempter - tester, assayer (perirazo - scrutinize, entice, discipline, examine, try). 4 times he is called "the devil", once "the tempter" and specifically addressed by Jesus once as "Satan"  the accuser.
There are 3 tests given
 1. The first test that the tempter uses is a physical test.  "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread".  We know Jesus has fasted for 40 days and nights and we are told He is hungry. This is a very real and personal test.

2. The 2nd test involves the devil taking Jesus up to the top of the pinnacle of the temple and daring Him to throw Himself off to prove that the angels will catch Him as scripture says.  This focus, to me, is a psychological test. The devil is trying to get Jesus to doubt or prove who He really is.

3. The last test involves the devil taking Jesus to the top of a high mountain and offering the world's kingdoms in exchange for worship.  This is a spiritual test

Jesus responds to each test with the Word.
Man must not live "on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."
Man must not "put the Lord (your) God to the test"
Man must "worship the Lord (your) God and serve Him only".

We too, face these kinds of tests and temptations.  We have physical needs - we get hungry and thirsty, we get sick or injured, we are poor or suffer from financial problems.  The tempter would direct us to other means of fixing our needs besides trusting in Our Heavenly Father.  We can rationalize and make excuses, cheating or stealing, or lying to satisfy our need.  But Jesus shows us that what we really need to do is turn to the Word of God.  He tells us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread".  He tells us to not worry about what we eat or what we wear, but to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness and that He will provide the rest.  This is true life.

We have psychological needs.  We want to know ourselves, to be "someone".   We want to have confidence and security. We want to prove ourselves.  The tempter wants us to think that we can do whatever we want, we can think of ourselves as the most important person, that no matter what we do, we will be fine!  But, Jesus shows us that this is a lie.  This is testing God.  His way is submission and humility, not boasting and pride and self-centeredness. We must not test God, but trust Him.  We are His children, His servants, and His creations.   We have our identity in Him. We have security in Him.  Our lives are in His Hands and we need not test that, but simply believe it and live it.

We also have spiritual needs - we are made to worship, to look beyond the physical to God.  The tempter wants us to worship him and he disguises himself in many ways to trick us into that trap.
When we have any idol, any god, any one ( even ourselves)  or anything that gets our devotion, that is the devil at work.
Jesus shows us that only God is worthy of our worship and service.  We are called to honor and praise Him with all of our hearts and souls and strength.  Anything less than absolute surrender to and devotion towards the Lord our God brings us into the tempter's realm.

Jesus never yielded to the temptations and sent Satan away.   In Him we are given this victory also.  James tells us that if we "resist the devil.. he will flee from" us.  We also learn in  I Corinthians that
"No temptation has over taken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it." ( 10:13).  This is the GOOD NEWS that Jesus came to proclaim.  "The kingdom of heaven is at hand".  So repent, change your thinking, stop listening to the lies of the devil.  Listen and obey every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. This is real life.  This is all we need. And Jesus came to give it to us, abundantly!!!!

Thank you Father in Heaven!  O lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one!  So that we will give You all our worship, honoring Your Holy Name.  Let Your will be done. Let Your kingdom come in all its glory!  Amen and amen.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Psalm 64 A prayer for deliverance from secret enemies.   As I read this psalm I am transported back in my mind to May, 2012.  "Hide me from the secret counsel of evildoers.... who have sharpened their tongue like a sword....they aimed bitter speech as their arrow, to shoot from concealment at the blameless; suddenly they shoot him, and do not fear.  They hold fast to themselves an evil purpose; They talk of laying snares secretly;... they devise injustices, saying we are ready with a well-conceived plot.  For the inward thought and the heart of man are deep." ( v2-6)   Just over a year and a half ago, this happened to my husband. An innocent man, the kindest and most generous person I have ever known, falsely accused by anonymous complaint... in the church.  The saddest part is that those who should have defended him, did not.  I can't begin to tell you the hurt and disappointment we have dealt with these past months.  Even now, just reading this psalm brings back those feelings.
As we trust God to reveal the truth and bring the evil-doers to light, I am thankful to read the rest of this psalm: " But God will shoot at them with an arrow..."   God is not finished.  He will bring glory to Himself.  We will rejoice and be glad in Him!  He is our refuge.  He is in control.

Father, once again I pray that Your will be done and that Your Name be honored.  Give us hearts to truly forgive those who have trespassed against us.  We are willing.  You are able.  Let Your Kingdom come, Your rule and reign over all the earth!  Hear our voices and be our help.  But above all, let Your light shine in our lives so that You will receive all the glory and honor due Your Holy Name.

Matthew 3
John the Baptist preaches repentance -  "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"  Have a change of mind, acknowledge and confess your sins.  Be real about your sins.  Call sin, sin.  Then turn away from it.  "bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance."  John baptized with water "for repentance".  A physical sign of that turning away from sin and towards God.  But he testifies of the One who is coming to "baptize ... with the Holy Spirit and fire".   "Baptize" - overwhelmed, overpowered, overturned, to cover or bury beneath, to make helpless, to be overcome.
John recognized his own need to be overwhelmed/baptized by Jesus!   Yet it is Jesus who requests John to baptize Him.  Jesus certainly had no need to repent.  But His baptism was a sign of absolute submission to the Father's will.
Jesus submitted.
The Spirit overwhelmed.
The Father was pleased.
John's baptism was important.  We must all repent and turn from our sin. But we cannot stop there.  We are taught later that we need to be baptized by the Holy Spirit. Overwhelmed by God, our Father and Jesus, our savior.
We follow His example - we submit, we allow ourselves to be overcome, overpowered, buried beneath the Holy Spirit.  This pleases the Father! Only then will we bear " good fruit".  Otherwise the warning that John gave to the Pharisees and Sadducees is also for us, " And the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." (v10).

Have Thine own way, Lord.  Have Thine own way.  You are the potter.  I am the clay.  Mold me and make me after Your will. While I am waiting, yielded and still.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Psalm 65  "How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose and bring near to Thee..."
I am blessed!  Your Word tells me that You have called me by name.  You have granted me repentance and salvation by Your grace.  You have adopted me and redeemed me.  I am blessed!
Mighty God, You still the roaring seas and "the tumult of the peoples".  Still the tumult in our lives today.  May we truly "be still and know that You are God".  You visit the earth and bring rain,  you cause the grain to grow,  You "crowned the year with Thy bounty."  We have been blessed. Let our hearts "shout for joy" and sing Your praises. Let all the earth rejoice today, for Christ our King came to save us!  Amen!

Matthew 2  Jesus is born in Bethlehem and the magi come from the east to worship Him.  We come to worship You too, Jesus.   You are the King of the Jews and You are our King also.  Herod's heart was evil, wanting to kill and destroy You.  But we come as the magi, with hearts that rejoice! You came.  You will come again.  This is what we remember and meditate on today, the splendor of Your glorious majesty, come to earth as a baby boy.  Truly amazing!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Psalm  66
Shout joyfully to God, all the earth
Sing the glory of His name;
Make His praise glorious.
Say to God, "How awesome are Thy works"
Father God, You are worthy of all our praises!  You have given us life.  You have blessed us by Your own loving-kindness.  You hear our prayers.  You provide for our needs.  You are kind to us even when we don't deserve it.
"Come and hear, all who fear God, And I will tell of what He has done for my soul." (v16)
The Lord made me, forming in my mother's womb, fearfully and wonderfully.
The Lord gave me a Christian heritage and a mother who made sure all her children went to church and heard the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Lord gave me teachers and other examples to show me what life in Christ looked like in real time.
The Lord led me and helped me through all my life.
The Lord brought me back to Himself when I had gone my own way.
The Lord blessed me with a beautiful family... a true gift of Grace.
The Lord "tried" me.  He "refined (me) as silver is refined".  He "didst bring (me) out into a place of abundance". (v10,12)
The Lord is merciful and patient.  He is worthy of all my praise and thanksgiving.  I will bless His Name.  I will sing of His glory.

"If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear;" ( v18)   Be assured, there are no secret sins that the Lord does not know.  Anger, bitterness, lies, anything that gets into our hearts, will open the door wide enough for Satan to stick his foot into.  We must confess our sins and receive the loving forgiveness of our Father.  Then we can know that "But certainly God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer."

"Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer, Nor His lovingkindness from me." (v20)

Matthew 1
The genealogy of Jesus Christ - is not just a list of weird names!  It is a testimony to the Grace of God!
Judah's son, Perez, was from a relationship that would raise eyebrows even now in our culture.  Tamar was Judah's widowed daughter-in-law who dressed like a prostitute and slept with Judah.
Rahab was a prostitute in the city of Jericho who was saved from destruction by helping the Israelite spies.
Ruth was a  Moabite. The Israelites were not even supposed to have any relationships with them, but she becomes David's great-grandmother.
Manasseh was known to be an evil king, one of the worst!
But, all this God knew and used them anyway.  Through this line came Joseph, the husband of Mary.
This made Jesus legally heir to the throne of Israel.
But as He told Pilate, His Kingdom is not of this world.   Joseph was only a mortal man, a step-father.
The True Father of Jesus is Jehovah God.  It is through His Father's side that Jesus reigns, not only over Israel, but over all creation.
Immanuel - God with us!  is Jesus, "He who will save His people from their sins."
Fully God and fully man.  Wonderful, mysterious, merciful and true.
Sing the glory of His Name!  Make His praise glorious!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Psalm 67
"God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us -
That Thy way may be known on the earth, Thy salvation among all nations." (verses 1-2)

It is by Your grace and blessing upon us, as You shine Your Light upon us, that others see You.  How can they know unless someone tells them?  How can they be saved unless they come to know You?
You are our salvation! "Let the people praise Thee, O God!" We praise You and worship You! Holy God, Wonderful Savior.  Be gracious to us this day, filling us with Your Holy Spirit, that we might walk in Your Light and be the light that You call us to become. Shine on us and through us today.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

Genesis 48-50  Before Jacob/Israel dies he meets with his son Joseph and formally adopts Ephraim and Manasseh as his own.  This is significant later when they are considered individual tribes of Israel.  Jacob blesses the younger son over above the eldest.  Jacob, who took his brother Esau's blessing, knew that God does what He desires, listened to God's voice and obeyed.
Jacob then summoned all of his sons together and offered individual words to each one.  They are called "blessings", but some hardly seem to be blessed!
Reuben is the first-born.  He is said to be preeminent in dignity and power, but because of his sin against Jacob, taking Bilhah and defiling her, Reuben loses the right to have preeminence over the family.
Simeon and Levi are grouped together.  They also lose the honor of leadership because of their sin of anger and violence. They killed the men of Shechem after the incident with their sister Dinah.
Judah, the 4th born,  takes the position of honor. "Your father's sons shall bow down to you." Israel foretells.  "The scepter shall not depart from Judah".   He is compared to a lion.  His garments are dyed by the grapes - purple, royal robes.
Zebulun is mentioned, though, he is not next in birth order.( he is actually the 10th of all of the sons, the 6th that Leah bore).   He will inhabit the seashore.  ( But this did not happen when the nation returned to the promised land.)
Issachar, the 9th son of Jacob, the 5th that Leah bore, is mentioned next.  He is called a "strong donkey" and  "a slave".   Not much of a blessing in my opinion!
Dan is the 5th in birth order, the first born to Bilhah ( Rachel's maid).   He is called a "judge" of his people.  But he is also called a serpent.
Gad is 7th in birth order, the first of  Zilpah's  ( Leah's maid) children.  He is a raider who will get raided.
Asher is 8th in order, the second son of Zilpah.   He will have rich food and "yield royal dainties."
Naphtali, 6th is order, is the 2nd son of Bilhah is called a "doe let loose".  He "gives beautiful words".
Joseph is 11 in order.  He is called a "fruitful bough".  He receives a true blessing.  "From the God of Your father who helps you, and by the Almighty who blesses you with blessings of heaven above...."
Joseph is to be "distinguished among his brothers."
Benjamin, the youngest, is called a "ravenous wolf".  He devours prey but divides the spoil.

Jacob makes his sons promise to take his body back to Canaan to be buried and then he dies.
Joseph asks permission to take his father's body back and is granted that, plus a huge company goes with him, including all his brothers and many Egyptians.
After they return to Egypt, Joseph lives to be 110 years old.  We are told that he was able to see the 3rd generation of Ephraim's sons - great-great-great -grandsons?  Wow.  He also makes his brothers promise to take his body back home to Canaan.  He then dies and is embalmed and placed in an Egyptian coffin.

This is the end of Genesis.  The beginning of creation.  The beginning of the nation of Israel.   Generations of mankind march forward through history, God's Hand sorting and leading, setting apart specific men for His purposes.  He was at work then, as He is now,  choosing men to be His servants, His people.  There are so many questions that we have.  So little we understand the ways of God.
But, like the psalmist, we can say, "Let the peoples praise Thee, O God" for it is You that blesses us.  It is You that brings salvation to the nations.  This unfolding of Your plan of salvation is just the beginning!  Thank You for giving us Your Word.  Teach us to trust You and walk as Jacob walked, before "The God who has been my shepherd all my life."

Friday, December 20, 2013

Genesis 43-47 A family reunion! This is a touching story of how Joseph is finally reunited with his family.  This is how Israel, the man, moves to Egypt to become Israel, the nation.
Observe a change in Joseph's brothers through this time.
Judah volunteers to be a surety for his brother Benjamin.  As much as the brothers had all been jealous and hateful towards Joseph because their father loved him so much, they did not hold anything against Benjamin.  They did not want to take Benjamin away from their father because they knew it would kill him.  What a contrast to what they did with Joseph.  Perhaps the reason that Joseph tested his brothers as he did, by putting their money in their bags and by putting his silver cup in Benjamin's bag, was to see if they would treat Benjamin like they had treated him.
Judah was the one who had led his brothers to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites. Now he is the one to offer himself in place of his brother Benjamin!
As Judah becomes the surety for his brother, his descendant, Jesus, has become our surety!
Joseph is overcome with such emotion to see his brothers, especially Benjamin.  He can hardly wait to see his father.  The reunion is so precious! Even though Jacob is very old at this time, he lives another 17 years with his son Joseph.
God's plan is being accomplished throughout all of this. Amazing things are ahead. But for now, we can be encouraged that God's compassion and love brought this family together again.

Thank you Lord for the way You worked in Jacob's family.  Thank You that You are at work in ours too!  Have Your way,  change our hearts as they need to be changed.  Thank You for Jesus, our surety, our substitute!  Bless Your Holy Name. Amen

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Psalm 68 " O God, Thou art awesome from Thy sanctuary." v35
The psalmist sings a song of praise to the Almighty God.
Verses 1-4  God is the victorious King!  "Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered!"
Those who hate God will be driven away. They will melt like wax. They will perish.
The righteous will be glad and rejoice!
"Sing to God, sing praises to His Name."
Verses 5-6 God is the compassionate Father!
He cares for the children without fathers, wives without husbands. "God makes a home for the lonely."  He frees those imprisoned by... sin, self, addictions, lies, evil.....
But the rebel, those unwilling to surrender fully to His Fatherhood, "dwell in a parched land".
His habitation is HOLY.  To enter into His Presence we must come as He asks, humbling ourselves, child-like, realizing our poverty and need.
v7-10 God is the Ruler of all Creation! 
He makes the earth quake. He makes the rain fall. He leads His creations to their homes.
He provides for every need. Psalm 145:15 " The eyes of all look to Thee and Thou dost give them their food in due time. "
v. 11-18 God is Almighty! 
Kings flee at His command.
"The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousands."  There is no end to His power, to His holiness, to His greatness.
v 19-23 God is our salvation! 
He bears our burden.  He delivers us from the evil one.  He shatters the enemy.
He acts on our behalf.
Praise Him! "Bless God in the congregations"  Come with singing, come with instruments, come with gifts!  Come and ascribe strength to Him!  Bless His Name! Honor Him with songs of praise, sung from a full heart a love and thanksgiving!
This is why we meet together in church - not just a habit or an obligation, but to HONOR God, our King, our Father, our Creator, our Salvation!  This is why we join together in songs of praise.  This is why we bring our tithes and offerings, this is why we read and study and meditate on His Word, for He is worthy! He is awesome!

Our Father, Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name!  We honor You!  You are worthy of all our praise.  You are awesome!  Almighty Ruler!  King of all kings and Lord over all lords. Thank You for providing salvation, becoming our Salvation in Jesus Christ!  Thank You for being our Father, adopting us into Your family, through Jesus to Yourself, "according to the kind intention of (Your) will, to the praise of the glory of (Your) grace!" ( Ephesians 1:5b-6a).  We praise You. We sing praises to You! Let us not forget, nor neglect to offer You praise every day!
I praise You because the wicked will be scattered but the righteous will rejoice!
I praise You because You care for us as Your own children.  You make a home for us.  You free us from bondage. You never leave us alone. 
I praise You because all creation is under Your care.  Earthquakes, floods, disasters, are not beyond Your power.  Nothing is too hard for You!
I praise You because no government, no king, no president is greater than You!  They flee at Your command!
I praise You because You have saved me. You have taken my burdens. You have delivered me from my sins.  You are my Salvation. 
Bless Your Holy Name!

Genesis 42 Jacob sends his 10 sons to Egypt to get food.  Joseph recognizes his brothers, but they do not know it is him. They claim to be "honest men" and he tests them by :  keeping Simeon, requiring Benjamin to come, and by returning their money to them.
Joseph realizes that his dreams from years ago are being fulfilled.  He knows God's Hand is in this.
How often do we wait and wait, wondering if God will ever do what He has said?
Be encouraged!  God is faithful to fulfill His perfect plans!
Praise His Name!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Psalm 69 The evil one, our adversary, and those who belong to him will always "hate" the Lord's children ''without a cause".  They will always want our destruction. They will always reproach and dishonor us. They will always want us to be ashamed and in distress, overwhelmed and drowning in our sorrow.  But, like David, we must remember that it is God alone Who knows our sins,  sees our need, hears our cries, and comes to redeem us. "Answer me, O Lord, for Thy lovingkindness is good; According to the greatness of Thy compassion, turn to me." (v16).  "For the Lord hears the needy, and does not despise His who are prisoners."  

It is in Jesus Christ alone that we are rescued, forgiven, cleansed, and made whole.  It is His salvation that can set us "securely on high" ( v29).  Praise Him with song! Magnify Him with thanksgiving! He is building His kingdom and we will "dwell in it" with Him forever!  The apostle Paul echoed this psalm in II Timothy 4:18 "The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom ; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." 

Father, help us to join with the saints of old, in standing firmly in the Truth.  May we not be ashamed, but willingly suffer for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  May we, like Paul, say "I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day" ( II Tim. 1:12b)  and strengthen us by Your Spirit that we may also "endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory." (2:10) . No matter what we face this day, make us stand on the firm foundation of Your Word, filled with Your Spirit, bringing praise and thanksgiving to Your Holy Name.  Amen!

Genesis 39-41  Joseph also suffers for no reason. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused by Potiphar's wife, imprisoned and forgotten for a time.  But, all of this happens in God's time and for His purposes. At the age of 30, Joseph, the kidnapped, betrayed, prisoner, becomes Joseph, the second of command in Egypt!  His faithful trust in God leads to salvation of many people during a famine that was "severe in all the earth".

Lord, may we gain encouragement from Your Word today, remembering that You are faithful and good.  You know us and want to bring us through the trials, preparing us for the works You want us to do, works that will bring You glory and praise!  You brought Joseph through,  You brought David through, and You brought Paul and Timothy through.  You will bring us through also as long as we keep our eyes and heart turned to You.  Keep us walking in Your Light! May Your will be done, Lord.  And if that will includes suffering, then please deliver us from the evil one.  For it is Your Kingdom, Your glory, and Your power that we long to see.  Amen!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Psalm 70 "Let all who seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee;"    Even in the middle of severe persecution we can rejoice in our God.  Even when we are afflicted and needy, we can rejoice and magnify our God. Because He is our help and our deliverer.  It is often in the darkest hours that we realize the wonder of His Light!  "Rejoice, rejoice!" the carol rings out.  Christ Jesus has come!  He is the Light of the world.

Our Father, we rejoice and are glad in You!  We do seek You.  We abide in Christ the True Vine. We are the branches and get our life from Him, as You have planned and purposed.  "Let God be magnified!" is our song!  Amen

Genesis 38  Judah.  We hear of the lion of Judah.  We learn that David is from this line, therefore Jesus is from this tribe.  Yet Judah was not a righteous man.
It is Judah who sold Joseph into slavery.
It is Judah who takes a Canaanite woman as his wife.
It is Judah who raises 3 sons, the first two dying because of their evil deeds.
It is Judah who gets his daughter-in-law pregnant.
(And it is through this union that Perez and Zerah are born.  David comes from Perez's line. )

We never know what the Lord has planned for us or our children.  I hope and pray that my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know the Lord Jesus as their Savior and also as their Lord!  That they will walk in His ways, in righteousness, in peace, and in Truth. There is no greater joy, as John the apostle said, "than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." ( III John:4)

Oh, may this prayer reach Your ear, O Lord, for our family to know You. That they be faithful in all they do. That their love for You be evident to all.  That they do well "in a manner worthy of God".  That they "do not imitate what is evil, but what is good." That they walk in Your Truth every day and that they rejoice in You and magnify Your Name.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Psalm 71  "In Thee, O Lord, I have taken refuge;"  Refuge - to flee for protection, to confide in, have hope, put trust.  It is in You, Lord,  The self-existent One, the Holy One,  Who is righteous, Who gives hope, Who is strong and faithful and true.
You are our Rock of habitation to which we can continually come.
You are our Hope, and You have been with us from birth and will be with us until death.
You are our strong refuge, our help in times of need, our deliverer from all adversaries.

I will hope in You!
I will praise You!
I will tell of Your righteousness!
I will declare Your wonderful deeds!
I will declare Your strength to this generation!
I will sing praises to You with great joy!
I will shout with joy!

Revive me again, Father.  Fill me once more with Your Spirit.  Loosen my tongue to proclaim Your greatness and glory every day.  Fill my mouth with Your praises!  You alone are God and there is none like You!  You are mighty and glorious and compassionate and righteous.  You and You alone.
Bless Your Holy Name!

Genesis 37  Joseph, the beloved son of Jacob.  Special from birth because he was Rachel's son.
v4 - His brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more - so they hated him.
v5-8 Joseph was given prophetic dreams revealing that they would bow to him - so the brothers hated him more.
v11 - The brothers were jealous of Joseph
v18 They plotted against Joseph
v27 They sold Joseph
v31-33 They lied about Joseph, telling their father that he was killed by a wild beast.
v35 They could not comfort their father as he wept for his son.
Hatred grows and leads to all manners of sin - murder, lying, betrayal.
Reminds me of James 1:15 "Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death."  One little drop of hatred will multiply into a pit of death.
That is what the brothers were willing to do to Joseph.  All except Reuben.  Reuben wanted to rescue his brother. But in the end he told the same lie as the others.

Lord, remove all sin, all hatred and jealousy and bitterness, from our hearts.  Let us be purified by the blood of the Lamb, slain for us!  Wash us and we will be whiter than snow.  Thank You for Your wonderful work of salvation, this free gift, purchased by Your beloved Son, Jesus.  Thank You for coming to that little town of Bethlehem so long ago, Wonderful Saviour!   I will praise You!  I will sing of Your wonderful works!  I will declare Your Righteousness! Amen!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Psalm 72 This psalm is from Solomon we are told, a prayer for the Everlasting King.   The True King - Jesus!
  He prays that the judgements of God be given Him.   Judgement - law, crime, penalty, sentence.
That righteousness belong to Him.
That He will rule with righteousness and justice. 
That He will bring peace.
That the afflicted will be vindicated.
That the needy will be saved.
That the oppressor will be crushed.
That all will fear God.
He prays for Christ to come down... like rain, to shower the dry earth, to bring life.
That the righteous will flourish .
That peace will be abundant.
That His rule will be from sea to sea.
That all will bow before Him.

"For He will deliver the needy when he cries for help, the afflicted also and him who has no helper. He will have compassion on the poor and needy, and the lives of the needy he will save." (v12-13)
He is the rescuer.
He is the provider.
His Name will endure forever!
"Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders.  And blessed be His glorious Name forever; And may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and amen." (v18-19)

Father, let Your Kingdom come down!  Come and rule over us, with justice and righteousness.  Come and bring True peace. Deliver us from the evil one and his lying schemes.  Only You, Jesus, can rule this way.  No mortal man will ever be able to bring us "Peace on earth".  Only You!  We grow weary of the wickedness around us. We see the oppression of Your people, in small ways here, in horrible atrocities around the globe. And we cry out to You. Come, Lord Jesus!  Come and reign. Let Your Kingdom Come, now. We pray in Your Name, Your glorious Name that is blessed forever! Amen.

Genesis 33-36  Jacob/Israel was afraid of Esau, his brother.  But when they finally meet again there is restoration of their relationship.  They find a way to their father and end up burying him together.  Esau moves his home to Seir and becomes the father of the Edomites.  Jacob loses the love of his life, Rachel.  But, as it was promised, Jacob/Israel receives his father's land, his father's covenant, and his father's blessing.  God moved Israel right back to the place of promise.  This is the land of Israel.

You are always at work in our lives, Lord God.  You know our beginnings and our ends.  You have a plan for us, even when we don't always obey.  Thank You for Your great power and wonderful mercy.
Lead us in Your paths and give us hearts to obey faithfully.   I pray that we will each be "filled with the knowledge of (Your) will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that (we) may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light."  Amen.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Genesis 28-31  Tells the story of Jacob leaving home and going to the house of Laban, his mother's brother.  Before he arrives Jacob has a dream where the Lord reveals Himself to Jacob.  Jacob names this place Bethel, the House of God.   God promises to bless Jacob and to bring him back to his homeland. For the next 20 years Jacob works for Laban. He marries Leah, by deception, and Rachel, out of love.  He has11 sons and 1 daughter.  He becomes wealthy and makes Laban wealthy as well.  Yet, Laban becomes jealous and Jacob secretly leaves with his wives, children, and livestock.  God directs Jacob to return home.

In chapter 31, verses 42 and 53 Jacob refers to God as, "the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac."  Jacob takes a final stand against Laban and escapes from his dominance.  Jacob is on his way home, finally, but there is one more event that will happen before he is completely ready.  In chapter 32 we read that God sends angels to meet with Jacob on the way.  Perhaps they gave him counsel or encouragement.  Next he sends messengers to Esau and finds out that Esau is coming to meet him, along with 400 men.  This terrifies Jacob.  He takes steps to prepare for this important meeting.
He divides his people into 2 groups, hoping to protect at least one.
He prays.
He sends gifts ahead in order to appease Esau.
He then sends everyone of his wives and children across the stream for safety.
Jacob spends the night alone except for a "man" who wrestles with him all night.  Jacob refers to this man as the Lord God.  Whether Christ, pre-incarnate, or an angel we do not know.  But, whoever it was, he :
Dislocated Jacob's hip.
Changed Jacob's name to Israel.
Blessed Jacob.
Jacob would never be able to forget that night.  He was changed physically and spiritually.  He is no longer the deceiver or usurper, but he is the one who strives with God.  Israel - the one who rules.

Father, You are our God, You are the One we fear.  For You are Holy and Powerful.  You will prevail against all men.  Yet, in Your mercy, You meet us and lead us.  You change us so that we are no longer rebellious and alien to You.  You bring us "HOME" to Yourself and to Your Kingdom.
Jacob was far from innocent, but You chose to make him the father of a nation.  You are his God, just as You are our God. Lead us in Your paths, intervene in our circumstances, and bring us also home to be with You!
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Righteous Redeemer, we pray.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Genesis 25 After Sarah died Abraham remarried and had 6 more sons. But only Isaac had an inheritance when Abraham died at the age of 175.   All the other sons were sent away to the east.  It is interesting though that when Abraham dies both Ishmael and Isaac participate in the burial.  Also interesting is the fact that Isaac lives at Beer-lahai-roi, the place that Hagar named when she had run from Sarah.
Isaac and Rebekah finally conceive after prayerful intercession.  They have twins, Jacob and Esau.  Two boys who have totally different personalities, looks, and destinies.
ch.26  This chapter summarizes Isaac's life.  The most important thing is that God makes a covenant with him. The Lord blesses Isaac and promises him the same oath that He had made with Abraham.
There is a promise of land.
A promise of a multitude of descendants.
And a promise to bless all the earth through their descendants.
Through a series of circumstances involving the Philistines and the digging and filling of wells, Isaac and Rebekah end up at Beersheba.
ch 27 tells the story of Jacob's deception, pretending to be Esau, in order to receive the blessing from Isaac.  Then in chapter 28 Jacob is sent away to protect him from Esau and also to assure that he marries someone who is not a Canaanite.  It is during this trip that Jacob receives the covenant from God.
A promise of land.
A promise of many descendants.
And a promise to bless all the earth through his descendants.
Added to this is a promise that God, Who is with him, will keep him, bring him back to the land, and never leave him.
When Jacob awakes after this revelation in his dream, he vows to worship God when he is returned to this place which he calls Bethel, "the house of God".

So much history here in these chapters.  Important, but hard to hear the Shepherd's voice.  What truths can we glean?  What lessons should we learn?  Definitely, important to know that God chooses who He wills for His purposes. The importance of blessing our children has been illustrated here also.

Father, teach me Your ways and speak into my heart Your Words today.  Give me ears to hear and a heart to receive, that I may walk in a manner worthy of You.  Amen.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Psalm 74 When we feel like God has abandoned us, that we are lost and alone in the midst of violent, immoral, and godless people, we need to remember that God has not changed!  Like the psalmist we need to turn our eyes upward and focus on the One Who is greater than any enemy, for He is our king!
He works "deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth" v 12
He divided the sea by His strength. v 13
He conquers monsters! v13-14
He opens springs to give us water and He dries up the water as He chooses. v 15
He possesses both day and night. v 16
He created light.  He created the sun. He created the seasons. v17

Everything is under His control.  And He chooses to help those who are "afflicted and needy".  He also chooses to destroy the wicked.  We are given the free will to choose which one of those categories that we want to be part of.  As for me,  I choose the Lord!

Father, be near me today.  Walk with me and talk with me. Tell me I am Your own.  I need You, Lord. Every day and every hour.  Thank You for loving me.  amen.

Genesis 23-24 Sarah dies. Abraham buys property to bury her.  Then he sends his servant back to Mesopotamia to get a wife for Isaac.  The servant is led by the Lord's angel and finds Rebekah.

Abraham - brother - Nahor & Milcah
|                                            |
Isaac                                Bethuel
                                         Rebekah  - brother- Laban
Isaac and Rebekah are 2nd cousins.  When they meet back in Canaan, they seem to love each other immediately.  Amazing how those things happen!

The unfolding of events, are under Your control Lord God.  May we never forget! Your plan is always perfect no matter what!  Thank You for moving me to this place at just the right time so that I could also find the husband You had for me. You do wonderful works for us.  We praise You and thank You!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Psalm 75 "We give thanks to Thee, O God, we give thanks, For Thy Name is near;"   The nearness of the Lord is a message I am hearing from various sources lately.  That usually indicates that the Lord is trying to get my attention! I am thankful for that amazing Truth.  He is HERE!  Always with me, always seeing me, hearing me, loving me.  So thankful!
The psalmist speaks to the wicked, reminding them that God is the Judge of all.  He is the One Who makes the earth melt!  When He judges, it will be with power.
"Do not lift your horn on high."
Don't boast.
Don't be insolent .
Don't exalt yourself.
For that is wicked and will result in your destruction.  There is a "cup" that the wicked will drink.  They will have no choice. It is the cup of God's wrath. "And all the horns of the wicked He will cut off."   God is the Judge and He will do it.
"But the horns of the righteous will be lifted up."   We, who are followers of Christ, will be those that will be lifted up and even "exalted".   It comes from His Hands, not our own.  Jesus taught this over and over.  The greatest will be last and the least will be first.  God humbles the proud and exalts the humble.  He who gives his life will keep it, but he who keeps his own life will lose it.

Father, Let Your Name be honored! Let us know Your nearness.  Let us walk in Your Light and Truth, exalting You alone.  Let us lay down our lives,  our busyness, our stuff, our plans and dreams... lay it all down and take up our cross and follow You.  Let us seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness and trust that You will provide all we need.  Forgive our pride Lord.  Forgive our boasting. Forgive us for ever thinking that we can do anything on our own.  Give to us as You see fit. You see us and know us completely. Make us suitable for Your Kingdom.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus, the only, truly Righteous One.  Amen.

Genesis 22 Abraham's test.  God asks Abraham to offer his son, the promised heir, as a burnt offering.  And Abraham obeys.  The story is familiar.  It is important.  It reveals the depth of Abraham's faith.  He absolutely trusted God and was willing to give Him everything.  This was Abraham's "horn", his life.  And he was willing to lay it down to follow God.  And because of his obedience God pours out a blessing on all of Abraham's seed and also to all the nations.  "the horns of the righteous will be lifted up!" God provided a sacrifice to replace Isaac.   He also provided a sacrifice to replace us.  Each of us.  Thank You Lord!  Again I pray that I may also be obedient in all things.  Be near and help me to walk in Your ways.  Amen.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Psalm 76-77 "God is known...."   When we truly know Him, when we see Him as He has revealed Himself,  we fall at His feet.
God is "resplendent"
He is majestic.
He is to be feared.
No one can stand in His presence.
His judgements cause the earth to stand still.
He is feared by princes and kings.
Water reacts in anguish at the sight of Him.
Thunder and lightning and rain are His.
The earth trembles and shakes.
He walks through the seas.
"Thy way, O God, is holy; What god is great like our God?"

We need to see You, Lord God.  To see You in Truth. To worship You "in spirit and in truth".  To know You, really know You.   Our eyes are dim. Our hearts are veiled. We... I have such a small glimpse of You, and I want to know You more.  You are the King of Glory!  You are the Creator and Possessor of heaven and earth. Open our eyes Lord! That we might fall on our faces and worship.

Genesis 21
Sarah has Isaac, just like God told them.  But Hagar and her son are now sent away for good.  This breaks Abraham's heart, but God does not abandon them. He hears the boy's cry. (v17).  He opens Hagar's eyes ( v19), and He is "with the lad, and he grew; and he lived in the wilderness, and became an archer."
Abraham and Abimelech make a covenant. Abraham lives in this place which become Beersheba.
It is here that Abraham calls "on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God."
Abraham got a new perspective, a new revelation of Who God is, at the age of 100.   Never too late to get a fresh glimpse, a deeper knowledge, of Who our God really is!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Psalm 78 The psalmist asks us to "Listen"!  This account is what we have heard from our parents and what we need to tell our children, so they can tell their children, so that every generation will know the "praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done."  We need to teach our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren the Word of God so, "That they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments."
There was a generation (perhaps more than just one?) that was "stubborn and rebellious".  A generation "that did not prepare its heart and whose spirit was not faithful to God."   These people:
Turned back from battle. ( They let the enemy in)
Failed to keep the covenant of God. ( Were out of relationship with Him)
Refused to walk in the Law of God. ( Willfully sinned)
And forgot His deeds and miracles.
Over and over they tested God. They spoke against Him.  They angered Him.
"Because they did not believe in God and did not trust in His salvation." v22  "They did not remember his power, the day when He redeemed them from the adversary." v42

At times they would remember and turn back, but "their heart was not steadfast toward Him, nor were they faithful in His covenant."  Again and again the nation of Israel rejected and rebelled against God.  Again and again He had compassion on them.  Up until the time of David, the writer tells of God's wonderful works in saving them, leading them, providing for them, and giving them a shepherd  to be their king.

Father,  help us to remember! Help us to be faithful to share Your praises, Your mighty works, Your power, through Your Word... so that our children and grandchildren, so that all the generations that follow us will put their trust and confidence in You!  So they will know You, Almighty God, Lord Most High! So that they will walk in Your ways, steadfast and faithful, all the days of their lives.  O Lord, may we not fail to have hearts prepared and spirits faithful to You!  May we not fail to prepare our children's hearts to know You and trust You!   You have given us, parents and grandparents, this vital responsibility to raise up a new generation to know and serve You.  Help us to listen and remember and obey!  You know, You remember that we are "but flesh, A wind that passes and does not return".  Even as I waft through this life,  sweeping through the lives of my loved ones, may I be faithful to lead them to You, Lord.  Make my life an instrument in Your Hand, to play a beautiful melody of Your great Love and Salvation, into the hearts of my children and grandchildren, so that they will come to You.  I ask this Jesus, in Your Mighty Name, amen.

Genesis 20  Interesting little chapter in the life of Abraham.  The promise of Isaac's birth within the next year has been given.  Sarah is old.  Abraham is older.  Again they move.  This time they are in the land ruled by Abimelech.  Abraham again tells them that Sarah is his sister, not his wife.  Again, she is taken to be the wife of another man.  Again, God intervenes.   Sarah is given back to Abraham. Abraham ends up with more goods and servants.  Abraham prays for Abimelech and healing occurs.
Why?  I don't know.  It doesn't make sense does it?  Abraham was in the wrong here.  God even agrees with Abimelech that he acted out of the "integrity of" his heart.   Yet Abraham actually is given the command to pray for Abimelech.  We would think that the one who deceived needs the prayer more than the one lied to, but that is not what happened.
God protects Sarah throughout this whole episode.   He keeps Abimelech from even touching her.  He leads Abimelech to give a thousand pieces of silver for "her vindication ".  She had obeyed her husband in telling them that she was his sister.  But at the end her reputation was cleared.   And we are told in the next chapter, "Then the Lord took note of Sarah as He had said and the Lord did for Sarah as He had promised." v1.

Lord,  teach us to trust You like Sarah did.  Thank You that even when we act in ways that are wrong, You are in control.  You are good!  May we remember this every moment. Amen

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Psalm 79  The psalmist watches his land and his people, God's people, being destroyed.  The temple is defiled.  The city is ruined.  There are so many bodies they can't even bury them.  Israel is scoffed at, derided, and under reproach. They have been devoured and laid waste.   It is in this state of desperation that he calls out to God.  He prays:
 " Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Thy Name; and deliver us, and forgive our sins, for Thy Name's sake. Why should the nations say, 'Where is their God'".  v9-10a
He appeals to God's compassion and to His justice.  He appeals to God's greatness and power.  He gives thanks and praise to be offered "forever". 

Jesus instructed His disciples to pray to His Father with similar thoughts.  The idea of "hallowing" or honoring His Name.  The petition for forgiveness of sins and the request for deliverance.   For the psalmist the prayer was quite personal and desperate.  But do we have that same passion?  We are blind to just how needy we are sometimes.  In a world such as ours we can go through our days oblivious to the fact that there is death all around us.  Those who are spiritually dead.  Those who are emotionally, mentally, and physically ruined.  They have no hope. They don't know that they can call upon the Name of the Lord for help and deliverance, for forgiveness and compassion. 

We don't necessarily want to pray for vengeance, or for God's wrath to be poured out against other nations.  But when our cities are attacked, when planes are made into deadly missiles, when evil nations develop nuclear bombs..... will we turn to the only real power Who can rescue us?  Will our appeal be the same as the psalmist... "Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your Name; and deliver us, and forgive our sins, for Your Name's sake."   

It is my prayer... every day.  Father, Abba, Let Your Name be honored and glorified.  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done here on earth , as it is in heaven.  Give to us our daily provisions for life.  Forgive us for our sinfulness, we owe You a great debt that we cannot pay, thank You for paying that debt, Jesus!  We willingly offer forgiveness to those who have sinned against us.  Lead us into Your paths of righteousness and away from the temptations that would cause us to fall.  Deliver us from the evil one.  All glory is Yours. All power is Yours.  The Kingdom is Yours.  Be exalted forever. Amen

Genesis 18-19  The Lord comes to visit Abraham.  3 "men" stop by for a visit.  Abraham prepares a meal and they wait while it is prepared and eat together.  Interesting, isn't it?   What would you do if God stopped by and knocked on your door?   Not sure I would offer Him roast beef!
The Lord assures Abraham that Sarah is going to have a son.  It would happen soon.  Sarah is the one to laugh this time.  But He reveals a little more about Himself to them "Is anything too difficult for the Lord?"   The answer to that would be "NO!"  
The Lord also reveals to Abraham that He will be destroying Sodom for the wickedness there.  Abraham appeals to God's justice and bargains for the city based on finding even 10 who are righteous.  But there are none that really qualify.  However, He spares Lot and his family for Abraham's sake.  Even then the angels had to grab Lot's hand and his wife's and daughters' hands and pull them out of the city! 
Lot's wife disobeys the order to not look back and she dies.  The girls are desperate and foolish.  They get their father drunk so that he will sleep with them and they can have children.  These turn out poorly and the nations of Moab and Ammon become enemies of Israel.  

Father, You are Sovereign Lord.  You know the reasons that things happened in the past and You know what will happen in the future.  We don't begin to understand.  I just pray that I will learn the truth of Your greatness and power in my world today.  "Is anything too difficult for the Lord?"  No!
Peace on earth is not too difficult.  Truth and righteousness and justice in our nation... not too difficult for You! Salvation for stubborn hearts... not too difficult!  Let Your Kingdom Come!  Let lives be changed for the glory of Your Name, I pray. Amen

Monday, November 25, 2013

Psalm 80 The psalmist addresses God as the "Shepherd of Israel"; "Thou who art enthroned above the  cherubim";  and "The Lord God of Hosts."   He repeats his request 3 times, "...cause Thy face to shine upon us and we will be saved."   This phrase echoes the blessing that the Lord instructed Aaron and his sons to speak to the nation of Israel, found in Numbers 6:24-26:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on you,
And give you peace,"

This  blessing was to move Israel to "invoke My Name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them."  To invoke His Name, to put His Name on them, was to call upon His Name.  To seek His Face, O, this is what we need more than anything!  To turn our eyes towards Him,  to want Him looking at us with eyes of grace and compassion, to know that we are in His protective care.  Our Father, our Abba, Daddy wants us to turn from our busyness, from our self-effort, from our distractions and temptations, and look at Him.  For He will give us all we need.  No where else will be find help or life or satisfaction.  

I picture a small child, busy with playing or struggling with something difficult, who turns his head and looks up to his dad. And when he sees his father's face, looking at him, paying attention, and ready to encourage or help, or even rescue him... what relief, what joy, what security that child will know.  What love he will feel from his father and what love he will have for such a dad as that. 
This is what we can do with our Abba, our Heavenly Father, who is the Lord of Hosts!  Amazing!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Genesis 17  Abram is given a new name, Abraham, at the age of 99 when the Lord appears to him and establishes a covenant with him.  This covenant is different than any other.  First of all, it is and "everlasting" covenant.  It is a conditional covenant.  Abraham and his descendants were to "keep" the covenant by circumcising every male.  God's part of the covenant was to bless them, make them fruitful, and give them a land for their possession.  Although the Lord does command Abraham to "walk before" Him and to be "blameless", there does not appear to be any other conditions given to Abraham at this point.  
God also reveals the birth of Isaac which is to come and the fact that this covenant will be established through his line, not that of Ishmael.  Abraham and Sarah are past child bearing age at this point, so their natural response to this was to laugh.  God is not offended by this at all, in fact, He uses this to give a name to the promised son, Isaac, which means "he laughed".

Psalm 81  "...if you would only listen to Me!"   the Lord says to His people.  If we would only listen and obey, He would do mighty things.... subdue the enemy, punish the wicked, provide for every need, and satisfy every desire.  God is our strength,  He relieves our burdens,  He rescues us from trouble. But He commands us to have no "strange god"; to stop being stubborn and walking in our "own devices".  Listen to God.  Walk His ways.  Do what Abraham did, believe the promises and obey the commands.  Trust and obey.... the only way to be truly happy in Jesus!

Abba, Father,  I am listening and I will obey.  Have Your way in my life today. Amen

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Psalm 82  God, the Creator and Possessor of Heaven and earth, takes His stand.  He comes to judge the judges.  They have been unjust.  They have shown favor to the wicked.  They had been appointed as rulers, as "gods", but they failed to understand their responsibilities.  Their job was to:

"Vindicate the weak and fatherless;"
"Do justice to the afflicted and destitute."
"Rescue the weak and needy;"
and "Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked."

This is God's passion, to bring justice and help to those who are in the greatest need.  The weak, the afflicted, the poor and needy.   This is what He desires for us to do. This is His will, to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  To bring heaven to earth,  for His Kingdom to come, will only happen when His will is done.
As Micah wrote (6:8)  " He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you,  But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
This what Jesus Christ, the Savior, came to do.  He came to reveal that the religion of the Pharisees was unjust.  It favored the wicked ( themselves) but made it impossible for the poor and afflicted to even know God.  Jesus came to us, the weak, the fatherless, the destitute,  to give us true justice and great mercy.   He taught that all had come short of God's glory.  All of us were in need of being rescued. And then He provided the salvation, the deliverance, Himself.   Thank You Lord, for saving my soul!  Make me an instrument of justice to those in need, a source of help to those who are weak.
Use us today Lord!

Genesis 16 Sarai and Hagar... and Abraham.
Was Sarai wrong to offer Hagar as a child-bearer for Abram?
Was Hagar wrong to despise her mistress?
Was Abram wrong for allowing Sarai to start this and then be angry?
Seems to me that they were all at fault for this mess.  But what astounds me is that the Lord didn't condemn any of them. He allowed Ishmael to be born, to become a father to many nations, that in the end would vex the nation of Israel!  And on top of that He revealed Himself to this poor slave woman.  He saw her.  He gave heed to her affliction.  He comforted her and sent her back to Sarai and Abram.  And He still allows Sarai and Abram to have a son.

Thank You Lord for being a God of justice and mercy.  Thank You that You see those who are afflicted and You take heed of us. Thank You that Your ways are not our ways, but even when we take things into our own hands and make a mess, You don't forget us and You don't forsake us.
You are so kind!  I love You Lord and I worship You alone.
Make Your Name great!
Bring Your Kingdom down!
Let Your will be done!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Psalm 83 There have always been enemies who "make an uproar" against God.  They hate Him and exalt themselves. They hate His people and conspire together against them. Enemies who want to wipe out God's people... Israel and Christians.   The psalmist prays that God will "not be silent" and "not be still".  The ultimate purpose is that "they may seek Thy Name O Lord." and that they would know that "Thou alone, whose name is Lord, art the Most High over all the earth."  

As we pray, "Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name,"  we are asking the same thing.  That God would let all men fall on their faces before Almighty God, in their shame and humility, in their dismay at their own sinfulness,  that they would even "perish" - be undone,  die.... so that they might truly live.  To "hallow" God's name, to make it holy, is to sanctify it, to set it apart as a Name greater than any other.  When we seek His Name, we seek Him, the "Most High".  The only True God.  The One Who has created us, revealed Himself to us, and saves us from our greatest enemies, sin, self, and satan.  To not hallow His name, to not call upon Him in Truth, in humility and repentance, is to make "an uproar" against Him.  That is a dangerous place to be. For He will not be silent, nor will He be still.  There will come a time, in His providence, when "every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord."  O what a privilege to be one of His people and gladly chose Him now!

Genesis 14-15  Abram rescues Lot, meets Melchizedek, and comes into a covenant with God.  God gave Abram a look into the future,  his descendants would be slaves in a different land for 400 years and then would return to possess the land of this promise.  Even though he had no children yet, Abram believed God.  God reckoned his belief "as righteousness".  The word "believe" in Hebrew is aman and it means to render firm or faithful, to trust,  to go to the right hand.  It is like Abram and God shook hands on it.  God "reckoned" - considered, valued,  computed righteousness to Abram.  This transaction established a partnership, a friendship, between God and Abram.

Father, thank you for being a God Who reckons belief/faith to be righteousness.  For we can not accomplish perfect righteousness on our own.  Only Jesus could do that.  But, You have reckoned us righteous when we come in faith to Him.  Thank You for such grace as this.  Thank You for extending Your Right Hand to us so that we can take hold and come into Covenant with You.
Lord, I know that You keep Your promises!  I know that You are God alone and that You sent Your only Son, Jesus, to provide salvation by His death on a cruel cross.  I put my faith in Him.  Thank You for reckoning me as righteous.  Marvelous Grace!  Amen

Monday, November 18, 2013

Psalm 84  To be in God's presence, in His lovely "dwelling places", in His "courts", or even at the threshold of His house, is worth everything we are and everything we have.  It is what our soul longs for.  It is what our heart and flesh desires more than anything.  It is where we find blessing and where we find strength. It is where we find that God is "a sun and shield. It is where we are given grace and glory. "No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."  To be at the altar of the Lord of Hosts, is to be like a bird that has found its house, like a swallow that has a nest, "where she may lay her young."   It is HOME. "For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside."

Home.  How often when we travel for even a short time, a few days or weeks, that when we arrive home, we sigh and sink down onto our own beds with such joy! We are at home.  How much more does the weary, war torn soldier find his home a sweet haven!  Or the prisoner, serving years of captivity, desires nothing more than to be home.  This is the longing that the psalmist is expressing for God's presence.  The place where everything makes sense, where we are at peace, and where we can rest. This is what a man finds when he "trusts in Thee".  Hallelujah!

Abba, Father,  I long to be in Your Presence.  To know the intimacy of being at home with You.  It is what my soul longs for and what my heart and flesh desires. Thank You that You have provided the "highway to Zion" - through Jesus Christ the Lord.  You are my dwelling place, Jesus!  Through You I am at home with the Lord of Hosts. Amazing. "My King and my God.  How blessed are those who dwell in Thy house! They are ever praising Thee!"
Thank You gracious Lord.  Amen

Genesis 13  Abram returns from Egypt, backtracking through the Negev to Bethel where he had built an altar to the Lord.  Here is where he and Lot separate .  Lot goes towards the east.  He ends up in Sodom, a place a wickedness.  Not the best choice.   Abram is told to lift his eyes and look all directions.  This is the land that God will give to his descendants "forever"!  Abram moves his tent to the "oaks of Mamre" in Hebron.  He builds another altar there. This becomes home.  It becomes the birthplace of a nation.  It becomes the place of promise. From Hebron we get the designation of Abraham as a "Hebrew".  It has taken him a while to get here, but history will be made in this place.

Father, You lead us to the place that You want us when we put our trust in You.  Sometimes,  what we think is a good choice, leads us in the wrong path.  Thank You that Your Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light for our paths.  We need You to lead us Lord.  Lead us along the path of righteousness.  To Your dwelling place. Amen

Friday, November 15, 2013

Genesis 12  Abram is 75 years old when God calls him to leave his country, his relatives, and his father's house.  He is called out of the known into the unknown, out of the seen and into the unseen.
Abram is not told where he is to go, but he is told that God has a plan.  And that plan is good!
God promises Abram:
A new land - v6-7 The land that Abram passes through, where the Canaanites live, will be given to Abram's descendants .
A new nation - God promises that He will make Abram into a great nation.
A great name - At Babel the people wanted to make themselves a great name, but God stopped them. Here, He promises that this man will have a great name and it will come because God will bless him.
"And I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing." v2
A great destiny- The promise of God is that Abram will be a blessing and that all the families of the earth shall be blessed in him.  That is a great destiny.

Abram obeys God and goes out with his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot.  He goes through the land of Canaan and sees the place God will give him.  He builds and altar there.  Then he goes on to Bethel and again builds an altar and worships.  Next they move on to Egypt due to a famine.  Here Abram gets himself and Sarai into trouble.  He lies about Sarai being his wife and she is taken into the harem of Pharaoh. But God intervenes and Pharaoh sends them away.  Being chosen by God didn't make Abram perfect, but God still protected them from harm.

Father, Abba,  You call us out of ourselves, out of our comfort zones, and out of the world of sin and darkness.  You lead us into the unknown and unseen.  But we are so thankful that Your plans are perfect! You are the One who brings us into Your Kingdom, You call us by Your grace into a new people, with a new name, and a great destiny.  As believers in Jesus Christ we are adopted by You. We are children of the Heavenly King.  We have been blessed by Abraham. Thank you for Your great promises.  amen

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Psalm 85  O how marvelous are the works of our God! As He did for the nation of Israel, He does for us:
He shows us favor! (It is by grace that we are saved!)
He rescues us from captivity.
He forgives our iniquity.
He covers our sins.
He withholds His wrath and turns away His anger.
He restores us into fellowship with Himself.
He is the God of salvation!
"Show us Thy loving kindness O Lord, and grant us Thy salvation."  We need You. We seek You.

"I will hear what God the Lord will say; For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones;"
I am listening Lord. Your Word always speaks peace. "Lovingkindness and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth springs from the earth and righteousness looks down from Heaven."   This is a description of God's Kingdom.  This is what we ask for when we pray, "Thy Kingdom come".   Verse 9 "Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land."

Abba, Let Your Kingdom come that Your glory may be made manifest in our lives today.  Let Your Kingdom come to our families, to our communities, to our nation.  Speak peace to our hearts for we live in a time of trouble.  But You have overcome the world.  Bring loving kindness and truth and righteousness... grant us Your salvation. May many more people come to bow before You, to fear You, to repent and turn back to You, so that they may also find favor, forgiveness, and fellowship with You.  Let Your Kingdom come!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Psalm 86 A prayer of David
David pours out his heart to the Lord in a mixture of petitions and praise.  He acknowledges his great neediness as well as his faith in God's willingness to answer his cries.  Every part of this psalm reflects David's love and trust in the Lord.  It shows David's knowledge of the Word and his intimate walk with the Lord.
v1 "Incline Thine ear, O Lord.."
v2 "Do preserve my soul.... save Thy servant"
v3 "Be gracious to me, O Lord"
v4 "Make glad the soul of Thy servant"
v6 "Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer"
David knows his own great need for and dependence on the Lord.  He seeks His Face, he wants the Lord's ear. He knows that God alone is His Help in times of trouble and he does not take that for granted. This petition is a daily necessity.  We need God's attentive ear, we need Him to preserve our souls, to be gracious to us, and to make our souls glad.  

v5 "For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon Thee."
v8 "There is no one like Thee... nor are there any works like Thine."
v 10 "For Thou art great and doest wondrous deeds, Thou alone art God"
v15 "But Thou, O Lord, art a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth."
David confesses the greatness of the Lord.  He appeals to His holy character as revealed in the Word.  There is truly no one like You Lord! "Teach me Thy way O Lord; I will walk in Thy truth; Unite my heart to fear Thy Name, I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Thy name forever." ( v11-12)  David commits himself fully to be a follower of God, in truth, in fear, and in love, forever.
Father in heaven , Abba, may Your Name be honored.  I offer my praise to You.  You are good. You are forgiving. You are great in love and mercy.  You do wonderful works and mighty deeds.  You are holy and righteous and just.  I give You all my worship and praise. There is NO ONE like You.  Your Kingdom come!  Your reign of peace and joy, of righteousness and truth, Your eternal kingdom, rule in me today. Come into the lives of each of my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  Open their eyes to see their desperate need of You in their lives.  Thank You for being merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.

Genesis 10 From the 3 sons of Noah there came nations. ".. out of these the nations were separated on the earth after the flood."  Japheth's descendants went to the coastlands.  Ham's descendants were "spread abroad".  Shem's descendants went to the "hill country of the east."  We are also told that during this time "the earth was divided".   God separated the family of Noah into nations and also separated the earth itself.  Must have been an interesting time to be living!
Genesis 11 tracks the next 10 generations between Noah and Abraham.  The tower of Babel incident is recorded here.  Men once again want to have power over God, so they try to build a tower to reach heaven.  God puts a stop to that by confusing their language and by scattering them "abroad from there over the face of the whole earth;" .

Father, let us see Your heart here.  In all these lives You were working out Your plan according to Your will. You created nations and languages. You divided people into tribes and clans and families.
You moved the earth.  And You moved Abraham.  In all those families, over all those years, You were working towards this one man who would be Yours.  We call You the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Not the God of Adam,  Moses, David, John or Peter.. although You are their God too. There is something special about Abraham. Help me to learn and understand in a new, fresh way as I read through Genesis in the days to come.
Thank You,  amen

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Psalm 87  Zion - the City of God's choosing. Whether it speaks of Jerusalem, the city of David in Old Testament times, or the future New Jerusalem, I do not know.  But, here we are told that "the Most High Himself will establish her."  It is His City and He "shall count when He registers the peoples there."  Our Mighty God allows us to enter into His glorious Presence as He chooses.  He determines those whom He calls.  "This one was born there."   How can we be born in Zion?
Only through being "born again" in Jesus Christ.  Thank You, Abba, for calling me to be Your own, for adopting me as Your child.  I have been redeemed, forgiven, reborn, and I will live in Zion one day.  What a glorious hope! Thank You!!!

Genesis 9:1-17 As Noah and his family leave the ark and establish a new society, a new world, God gives some directions.
1. God gives a blessing. Before anything else, God establishes a relationship of blessing, favor and grace.
2. God gives a command, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth."   It is God's will and plan to have families and communities and nations! It is His will and purpose that we be fruitful.
3. God gives a commission.  " And the fear of you and the terror of you shall be on every beast.... into your hand they are given."   Adam and Eve had been given the assignment of ruling over all living things and eating from the plants and trees.  Now Noah is given the animals and plants for food.
4. God gives a warning.  "Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is its blood. And surely I will require your lifeblood from every beast I will require it. And from every man, from every man's brother I will require the life of man."
5. God establishes a covenant.  This agreement is for Noah and all his descendants. It is unconditional. The sign is in the clouds, a "bow" or rainbow is given as proof that God will never again destroy all the flesh on the earth with a flood.  God says that the rainbow will cause Him to remember the promise.
Verses 18-29
Noah's sons are Shem, Ham, and Japheth.   It appears that Ham already has 1 son, Canaan.   Before we are told about their descendants and how they establish nations, we are told of an incident that sets the stage for the future.
Noah plants a vineyard, makes some wine, gets drunk, and goes into his tent to sleep it off.
Ham goes into his father's tent and sees Noah in his "nakedness".  It was something that was shameful. When Ham tells his brothers they react with respect and concern for their father.  They carefully cover him while turning their faces away.  Noah's reaction after waking up reveals that this incident was very serious, for he curses Canaan ( Ham's son).  He blesses the Lord, "the God of Shem".  He gives Japheth 2nd place after Shem and Canaan is to be their servant.

Father, I don't understand all that happened to Noah and his family, but I ask that You would enable me to learn what You want me to know through Your Word today.  I pray that my family and I would live for You and be blessed by You.  To honor You and to obey You always.  Teach us to live in faith and to love You with all our hearts, minds, and with all our strength.  Make us fruitful branches as we abide in the True Vine, Christ Jesus.  In His Name I pray. Amen.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Psalm 88  The psalmist cries out with desperation and grief.  Here is a picture of life without God. A spiritually dead man.
v3 A troubled soul  and a nearness to death
v4 Weakness and obscurity
v5 Forsaken
v6 Dark
v7 Afflicted
v8 Alone and hated and imprisoned
v9 Blinded and begging
v15 Terrified and overcome
v16 Destroyed
v17 Drowning
v18 Isolated

We are all in this position until we become like the psalmist and cry out to God for help.  We must realize the depth of our sinfulness and how really desperate we are without Him.  Only then will we pray with fervent hearts for the help that we all desperately need. For only He can rescue us from the pit.
Prayer includes:
v1 Praying to the One who alone is able to help, " O Lord, the God of my salvation,"   It is to Jehovah, the self-existent One, the I AM, who has revealed Himself to us, that we come.  He is God, the only True Elohim - Creator, Master, Sovereign, Covenant making God.
 The psalmist cries out "by day and in the night before Thee".   If we are truly desperate for help we will not cease praying to the One Who is able to help us.  Earnest, fervent prayer is continual prayer from the heart. 
v2 Earnest prayer comes from a posture of humility.  The psalmist requests that God allow his prayers to "come before" Him,  "Incline Thine ear to my cry!"  We cannot make God listen, but we can ask that He will.  He tells us that when we seek Him with all our heart we will find Him.
v3-9  The psalmist confesses his needs.  His situation is desperate.  But he knows that The Lord is His only hope. "I have called upon Thee every day, O Lord; I have spread out my hands to Thee."
He has no other hope and no other plan.  There is no other way.  Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  We must know that and agree ( confess) that this is our situation too. 
v10-12 The psalmist asks a series of questions that appeal to the Lord's mercy and remembers the Lord's goodness.  It is the Lord God alone Who : performs wonders, receives praise, is loving and kind, faithful and righteous.  The dead do not declare these things, only the living do.  The spiritually dead do not know the greatness of the Lord's character.  But those made alive in Christ do!  And we must declare how great and wonderful He is!!!!
v13 "But I, O Lord, have cried out to Thee for help, and in the morning my prayer comes before Thee."  A statement of faith in the middle of a desperate plea.  By faith we come to our God, our only Hope, our Refuge and Fortress, our God in Whom we trust.

Father in Heaven, Your Word is Truth. It is living and active.  I am amazed as Your Holy Spirit opens my eyes to that truth. Here in this psalm I have found a key to earnest prayer.  James told us that "The effective (earnest) prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." Elijah prayed earnestly and great things happened.  Our prayers sometimes are trite and meaningless.  We do not know our need to pray unless we know that we are desperately in need.  Open our eyes to this Truth.  We need You.  You are the air we breathe and our daily bread. In You is Life and without You we are withered branches that will be cut off and burned.  I seek You Lord, I come to You and confess my great need for You today.  Thank You for allowing my prayer to come before You.  In the Name of the Righteous One, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Genesis 8  God "remembered Noah".   He closed the floodgates, stopped the rain, sent a wind, and made the water start to subside.  It was still a long time before Noah and his family and all the animals could leave the ark.  When they finally were allowed off the boat the first thing Noah did was to build an altar and offer a sacrifice to the Lord.  God promised that He would never again destroy every living thing as He did during the flood.  He also promised that we would always have seedtime, harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night... as long as the earth exists.   He also reminded Noah that a man's heart is inclined towards evil.  It is a reality.  We are all in the same pot. In the same desperate situation that the psalmist talked about many, many years later.  So thankful for a God who "remembers" us!  

Keep us occupied with Yourself today, through all the activities that seek to run our lives.  May we know our need for You and seek to walk with You each moment. Amen

Friday, November 8, 2013

Psalm 89  "Who is like Thee, O mighty Lord?"    You have declared Your lovingkindness to us.  You have established Your faithfulness.  You keep Your covenants through the generations.   You have established Your Kingdom and the eternal King, Jesus Christ.  You rule the sea and the earth.  It is Your creation and is subject to Your commands.  You determined that righteousness and justice would be the foundation of Your throne.  We rejoice in Your Name.  And even though it seemed to the Israelites that You had abandoned them, You did not.  Even in their rebellion and idolatry, You did not forget Your promise to David.   For Jesus is the everlasting Son of David and Son of God.  He endured the cross.  "Blessed be the Lord, forever!"

Genesis 7  The Flood.  Noah obeyed God, doing all that God had commanded him.  He built the ark exactly as God said.  He entered the ark when God told him to enter.  He took his family and the animals into the ark and God Himself shut the door.  That "very same day", the floodgates opened.  That day, rain fell.  For forty days the water prevailed until all life outside of the ark was gone.  Only those inside were saved.  

Life for Noah and his family must have been a true roller coaster.  40 days of rain and 150 more days of nothing but water on the earth. Knowing that the only living things on the whole earth consisted of just them.  They must have sorrowed at the loss of family and community.  They must have grieved over the death and destruction.  Thankful that they were hidden in God's shelter, but wondering about what would happen next.

Father, the world around us is headed to destruction again.  We know that is true.  We know that only those whose lives are hidden in Christ, resting in His salvation, will be saved from the final judgement.  We are thankful for Your provision, for Your Grace.  But we still grieve for those outside Your Ark.  We pray that You would open the eyes and hearts of men and women and children to come to Jesus and be saved, before the day when the door is shut and there is no more time to enter into Your salvation.  May we live in obedience, like Noah did, that others may know the Truth and find You.  Oh teach us to "number our days".... to make our days count for You.  May we abide in Christ and Christ in us that we may bear fruit, that others will come to You and find shelter from the destruction that will come.  In Jesus' Name I ask this, amen.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Psalm 90 "Even from everlasting to everlasting Thou art God."  This prayer of Moses reminds us that God is Great!  He established all of creation, He is eternal, and He in omnipotent.  In contrast, we are dust.  We are like grass that sprouts in the morning and fades away in the evening.  Life is short.  "We finish our years like a sigh."  We need to learn to "number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom."    How do we do that?
v 14 - Seek Him in the morning and find contentment in His loving kindness.  Sing for joy and be glad in Him.  Every day, no matter what.
v16 Praise Him. Marvel at His Work and His Majesty.  Pray for eyes to see His Hand in your life and that Your children will see His majesty.
v17  Pray for God's favor.  That God will use the "work of our hands" for His eternal glory. 

v 4 "For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday when it passes by."  Where did yesterday go to?   I am always amazed how quickly the days and weeks, and months fly by.  That is how a thousand years is to God.  When we number our days, when we weigh them, allot them, count them, may they each be lived for God's glory.
 Find us living in faith, in communion with You, Lord God, every day.  Teach us to seek You, praise You, see You, marvel at You, and work for You every day.
This is how we present to You a heart of wisdom. Daily walking with You, abiding in You and You in us. Oh how we need to learn this lesson of committing every day to You.  Teach us I pray.  amen

Genesis 6  Man, left to his own devices becomes corrupt. 10 generations from Adam's fall and the whole earth was corrupt (v12).  Violence, wickedness, and evil had permeated the perfect creation that had once been "good" in the sight of the Lord.  God decided to destroy all flesh.  Every living, breathing thing would be destroyed, except for those whom He would save in the ark.  One man, Noah, walked with God.  One man found favor in His sight.  We are told that Noah was righteous and blameless.  He did everything that God commanded him to do. (He numbered his days and had a heart of wisdom.)

Father, we live in a corrupt world also.  There are many violent and wicked men. Your Word tells us that another time of judgement is coming.  This time it will not be a flood, but fire.  Heaven and earth will pass away.  Only those who come into Your Ark, into the place of safety, into Jesus Christ, will be saved. Oh to find favor in Your sight as Noah did, to walk in Your righteousness, to be obedient to all Your commands, and to be safe in Your arms.  I ask that You will open our eyes to see how much we need to be ready, for the day of Your coming is drawing near.   "Jesus, Messiah, Name above all names, .. rescue for sinners, Ransom from Heaven"  You alone are our Ark of safety.  Bring us fully inside... into You.  Thank You for the free gift of salvation by Your Grace.  I enter in by faith and find refuge.  I ask for mercy on those (loved ones... You know their names Lord) who wait outside, who don't see the coming destruction, that You would grant them repentance, that they would see their own corruption and confess their sins and turn to You. That they might also enter the ark of salvation, Jesus Christ, and be transformed, made truly alive.  I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Genesis 4  Cain is the firstborn of Adam and Eve.  This is after the fall and the curse of painful childbirth.  Perhaps this is why Eve proclaims "I have gotten a man child with the help of the Lord ".

Cain was "tiller of the ground".  This was his love.  He desired this above anything else, even above God.  He chose to bring an offering to the Lord from his fields.  Something he did with the sweat of his brow and his own hands.  This is not acceptable to the Lord. Cain becomes angry that the Lord does not respect this gift.  His anger leads to jealousy, which leads to murder.  The result for Cain is judgement.  He is cursed with the loss of his ability to cultivate the ground.  He becomes "a vagrant and a wanderer". Then " Cain went out from the presence of the Lord".  He starts his own city.  He becomes the father of a clan.  They do great things - Jabal institutes tent-dwelling and livestock, Jubal institutes the arts, "the lyre and pipe"; Tubal-cain is a forger of implements of bronze and iron, tools.
But it never says that they worshiped God again.
Cain had a choice and his wrong, sinful choice led to a society of godless people. One person's choice affects more than just himself.  God warned Cain, and He warns us. " If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it." (v7)  Cain's "countenance fell" because of his anger.  He lost control of his conduct and his attitude.  He let sin in the door.  He let it devour him instead of mastering it.  He only had to confess and repent. To choose God's way over his own.  But he refused.  Even after he killed his brother, he never repented.  He just complained about the punishment.

Abel is the second born son.  He is a keeper of sheep.  He brought an offering that God respected, a firstling of his flock. He worshipped properly. This brought about his brother's jealousy. He is murdered by his brother Cain. And his blood cried out to God. Hebrews 11:4 speaks of Abel, " By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, God testifying about his gifts, and through faith though he is dead, he still speaks."
And in Hebrews 12:24 Abel's blood is compared with the blood of the new covenant, the blood of Jesus which "speaks better than the blood of Abel."

Chapter 4 ends with the birth of Seth.  Abel is dead, Cain is an outcast, but God gives Adam and Eve another son. It is from his line that we have Noah, Abraham, David, and finally Jesus. Eve considered Seth a replacement for Abel, appointed to her, from God. Gen. 5:3 "When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth."   Seth carries on the likeness, the family resemblance of his father Adam.
This begins a long line of descendants who carry on this image. And it is in this generation that "men began to call upon the name of the Lord."

Chapter 5 gives the lineage of Adam, made in the image of God,  through until the life of Noah. 10 generations.  All having many sons and daughters.  All living hundreds of years.  Massive reproduction!  Unique among the many are Enoch, who walked with God so closely that God took him, and Noah.  Noah's father, Lamech, made an interesting statement about his son, "This one shall give us rest from our work and from the toil of our hands arising from the ground which the Lord has cursed." There was something special about Noah right from the beginning of his life.

Father, thank You for Your Word that reveals all Truth.  Thank You for helping us to see what the life of faith looks like and what the life of sin leads to.  Help us to always choose to live for You, in obedience to Your Word, in relationship with You.  Help us to walk with You like Enoch did.  We call upon Your Name, the only Name by which we can be saved.  Help us to abide in You and know that You abide in us.  Through Jesus, the True Vine.  Amen.