Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Psalm 87  Zion - the City of God's choosing. Whether it speaks of Jerusalem, the city of David in Old Testament times, or the future New Jerusalem, I do not know.  But, here we are told that "the Most High Himself will establish her."  It is His City and He "shall count when He registers the peoples there."  Our Mighty God allows us to enter into His glorious Presence as He chooses.  He determines those whom He calls.  "This one was born there."   How can we be born in Zion?
Only through being "born again" in Jesus Christ.  Thank You, Abba, for calling me to be Your own, for adopting me as Your child.  I have been redeemed, forgiven, reborn, and I will live in Zion one day.  What a glorious hope! Thank You!!!

Genesis 9:1-17 As Noah and his family leave the ark and establish a new society, a new world, God gives some directions.
1. God gives a blessing. Before anything else, God establishes a relationship of blessing, favor and grace.
2. God gives a command, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth."   It is God's will and plan to have families and communities and nations! It is His will and purpose that we be fruitful.
3. God gives a commission.  " And the fear of you and the terror of you shall be on every beast.... into your hand they are given."   Adam and Eve had been given the assignment of ruling over all living things and eating from the plants and trees.  Now Noah is given the animals and plants for food.
4. God gives a warning.  "Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is its blood. And surely I will require your lifeblood from every beast I will require it. And from every man, from every man's brother I will require the life of man."
5. God establishes a covenant.  This agreement is for Noah and all his descendants. It is unconditional. The sign is in the clouds, a "bow" or rainbow is given as proof that God will never again destroy all the flesh on the earth with a flood.  God says that the rainbow will cause Him to remember the promise.
Verses 18-29
Noah's sons are Shem, Ham, and Japheth.   It appears that Ham already has 1 son, Canaan.   Before we are told about their descendants and how they establish nations, we are told of an incident that sets the stage for the future.
Noah plants a vineyard, makes some wine, gets drunk, and goes into his tent to sleep it off.
Ham goes into his father's tent and sees Noah in his "nakedness".  It was something that was shameful. When Ham tells his brothers they react with respect and concern for their father.  They carefully cover him while turning their faces away.  Noah's reaction after waking up reveals that this incident was very serious, for he curses Canaan ( Ham's son).  He blesses the Lord, "the God of Shem".  He gives Japheth 2nd place after Shem and Canaan is to be their servant.

Father, I don't understand all that happened to Noah and his family, but I ask that You would enable me to learn what You want me to know through Your Word today.  I pray that my family and I would live for You and be blessed by You.  To honor You and to obey You always.  Teach us to live in faith and to love You with all our hearts, minds, and with all our strength.  Make us fruitful branches as we abide in the True Vine, Christ Jesus.  In His Name I pray. Amen.

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