Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Psalm 70 "Let all who seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee;"    Even in the middle of severe persecution we can rejoice in our God.  Even when we are afflicted and needy, we can rejoice and magnify our God. Because He is our help and our deliverer.  It is often in the darkest hours that we realize the wonder of His Light!  "Rejoice, rejoice!" the carol rings out.  Christ Jesus has come!  He is the Light of the world.

Our Father, we rejoice and are glad in You!  We do seek You.  We abide in Christ the True Vine. We are the branches and get our life from Him, as You have planned and purposed.  "Let God be magnified!" is our song!  Amen

Genesis 38  Judah.  We hear of the lion of Judah.  We learn that David is from this line, therefore Jesus is from this tribe.  Yet Judah was not a righteous man.
It is Judah who sold Joseph into slavery.
It is Judah who takes a Canaanite woman as his wife.
It is Judah who raises 3 sons, the first two dying because of their evil deeds.
It is Judah who gets his daughter-in-law pregnant.
(And it is through this union that Perez and Zerah are born.  David comes from Perez's line. )

We never know what the Lord has planned for us or our children.  I hope and pray that my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know the Lord Jesus as their Savior and also as their Lord!  That they will walk in His ways, in righteousness, in peace, and in Truth. There is no greater joy, as John the apostle said, "than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." ( III John:4)

Oh, may this prayer reach Your ear, O Lord, for our family to know You. That they be faithful in all they do. That their love for You be evident to all.  That they do well "in a manner worthy of God".  That they "do not imitate what is evil, but what is good." That they walk in Your Truth every day and that they rejoice in You and magnify Your Name.

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