Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Psalm 69 The evil one, our adversary, and those who belong to him will always "hate" the Lord's children ''without a cause".  They will always want our destruction. They will always reproach and dishonor us. They will always want us to be ashamed and in distress, overwhelmed and drowning in our sorrow.  But, like David, we must remember that it is God alone Who knows our sins,  sees our need, hears our cries, and comes to redeem us. "Answer me, O Lord, for Thy lovingkindness is good; According to the greatness of Thy compassion, turn to me." (v16).  "For the Lord hears the needy, and does not despise His who are prisoners."  

It is in Jesus Christ alone that we are rescued, forgiven, cleansed, and made whole.  It is His salvation that can set us "securely on high" ( v29).  Praise Him with song! Magnify Him with thanksgiving! He is building His kingdom and we will "dwell in it" with Him forever!  The apostle Paul echoed this psalm in II Timothy 4:18 "The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom ; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." 

Father, help us to join with the saints of old, in standing firmly in the Truth.  May we not be ashamed, but willingly suffer for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  May we, like Paul, say "I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day" ( II Tim. 1:12b)  and strengthen us by Your Spirit that we may also "endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory." (2:10) . No matter what we face this day, make us stand on the firm foundation of Your Word, filled with Your Spirit, bringing praise and thanksgiving to Your Holy Name.  Amen!

Genesis 39-41  Joseph also suffers for no reason. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused by Potiphar's wife, imprisoned and forgotten for a time.  But, all of this happens in God's time and for His purposes. At the age of 30, Joseph, the kidnapped, betrayed, prisoner, becomes Joseph, the second of command in Egypt!  His faithful trust in God leads to salvation of many people during a famine that was "severe in all the earth".

Lord, may we gain encouragement from Your Word today, remembering that You are faithful and good.  You know us and want to bring us through the trials, preparing us for the works You want us to do, works that will bring You glory and praise!  You brought Joseph through,  You brought David through, and You brought Paul and Timothy through.  You will bring us through also as long as we keep our eyes and heart turned to You.  Keep us walking in Your Light! May Your will be done, Lord.  And if that will includes suffering, then please deliver us from the evil one.  For it is Your Kingdom, Your glory, and Your power that we long to see.  Amen!

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