Monday, December 2, 2013

Psalm 75 "We give thanks to Thee, O God, we give thanks, For Thy Name is near;"   The nearness of the Lord is a message I am hearing from various sources lately.  That usually indicates that the Lord is trying to get my attention! I am thankful for that amazing Truth.  He is HERE!  Always with me, always seeing me, hearing me, loving me.  So thankful!
The psalmist speaks to the wicked, reminding them that God is the Judge of all.  He is the One Who makes the earth melt!  When He judges, it will be with power.
"Do not lift your horn on high."
Don't boast.
Don't be insolent .
Don't exalt yourself.
For that is wicked and will result in your destruction.  There is a "cup" that the wicked will drink.  They will have no choice. It is the cup of God's wrath. "And all the horns of the wicked He will cut off."   God is the Judge and He will do it.
"But the horns of the righteous will be lifted up."   We, who are followers of Christ, will be those that will be lifted up and even "exalted".   It comes from His Hands, not our own.  Jesus taught this over and over.  The greatest will be last and the least will be first.  God humbles the proud and exalts the humble.  He who gives his life will keep it, but he who keeps his own life will lose it.

Father, Let Your Name be honored! Let us know Your nearness.  Let us walk in Your Light and Truth, exalting You alone.  Let us lay down our lives,  our busyness, our stuff, our plans and dreams... lay it all down and take up our cross and follow You.  Let us seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness and trust that You will provide all we need.  Forgive our pride Lord.  Forgive our boasting. Forgive us for ever thinking that we can do anything on our own.  Give to us as You see fit. You see us and know us completely. Make us suitable for Your Kingdom.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus, the only, truly Righteous One.  Amen.

Genesis 22 Abraham's test.  God asks Abraham to offer his son, the promised heir, as a burnt offering.  And Abraham obeys.  The story is familiar.  It is important.  It reveals the depth of Abraham's faith.  He absolutely trusted God and was willing to give Him everything.  This was Abraham's "horn", his life.  And he was willing to lay it down to follow God.  And because of his obedience God pours out a blessing on all of Abraham's seed and also to all the nations.  "the horns of the righteous will be lifted up!" God provided a sacrifice to replace Isaac.   He also provided a sacrifice to replace us.  Each of us.  Thank You Lord!  Again I pray that I may also be obedient in all things.  Be near and help me to walk in Your ways.  Amen.

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