Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Psalm 71  "In Thee, O Lord, I have taken refuge;"  Refuge - to flee for protection, to confide in, have hope, put trust.  It is in You, Lord,  The self-existent One, the Holy One,  Who is righteous, Who gives hope, Who is strong and faithful and true.
You are our Rock of habitation to which we can continually come.
You are our Hope, and You have been with us from birth and will be with us until death.
You are our strong refuge, our help in times of need, our deliverer from all adversaries.

I will hope in You!
I will praise You!
I will tell of Your righteousness!
I will declare Your wonderful deeds!
I will declare Your strength to this generation!
I will sing praises to You with great joy!
I will shout with joy!

Revive me again, Father.  Fill me once more with Your Spirit.  Loosen my tongue to proclaim Your greatness and glory every day.  Fill my mouth with Your praises!  You alone are God and there is none like You!  You are mighty and glorious and compassionate and righteous.  You and You alone.
Bless Your Holy Name!

Genesis 37  Joseph, the beloved son of Jacob.  Special from birth because he was Rachel's son.
v4 - His brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more - so they hated him.
v5-8 Joseph was given prophetic dreams revealing that they would bow to him - so the brothers hated him more.
v11 - The brothers were jealous of Joseph
v18 They plotted against Joseph
v27 They sold Joseph
v31-33 They lied about Joseph, telling their father that he was killed by a wild beast.
v35 They could not comfort their father as he wept for his son.
Hatred grows and leads to all manners of sin - murder, lying, betrayal.
Reminds me of James 1:15 "Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death."  One little drop of hatred will multiply into a pit of death.
That is what the brothers were willing to do to Joseph.  All except Reuben.  Reuben wanted to rescue his brother. But in the end he told the same lie as the others.

Lord, remove all sin, all hatred and jealousy and bitterness, from our hearts.  Let us be purified by the blood of the Lamb, slain for us!  Wash us and we will be whiter than snow.  Thank You for Your wonderful work of salvation, this free gift, purchased by Your beloved Son, Jesus.  Thank You for coming to that little town of Bethlehem so long ago, Wonderful Saviour!   I will praise You!  I will sing of Your wonderful works!  I will declare Your Righteousness! Amen!!!!

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