Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Psalm 82  God, the Creator and Possessor of Heaven and earth, takes His stand.  He comes to judge the judges.  They have been unjust.  They have shown favor to the wicked.  They had been appointed as rulers, as "gods", but they failed to understand their responsibilities.  Their job was to:

"Vindicate the weak and fatherless;"
"Do justice to the afflicted and destitute."
"Rescue the weak and needy;"
and "Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked."

This is God's passion, to bring justice and help to those who are in the greatest need.  The weak, the afflicted, the poor and needy.   This is what He desires for us to do. This is His will, to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  To bring heaven to earth,  for His Kingdom to come, will only happen when His will is done.
As Micah wrote (6:8)  " He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you,  But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
This what Jesus Christ, the Savior, came to do.  He came to reveal that the religion of the Pharisees was unjust.  It favored the wicked ( themselves) but made it impossible for the poor and afflicted to even know God.  Jesus came to us, the weak, the fatherless, the destitute,  to give us true justice and great mercy.   He taught that all had come short of God's glory.  All of us were in need of being rescued. And then He provided the salvation, the deliverance, Himself.   Thank You Lord, for saving my soul!  Make me an instrument of justice to those in need, a source of help to those who are weak.
Use us today Lord!

Genesis 16 Sarai and Hagar... and Abraham.
Was Sarai wrong to offer Hagar as a child-bearer for Abram?
Was Hagar wrong to despise her mistress?
Was Abram wrong for allowing Sarai to start this and then be angry?
Seems to me that they were all at fault for this mess.  But what astounds me is that the Lord didn't condemn any of them. He allowed Ishmael to be born, to become a father to many nations, that in the end would vex the nation of Israel!  And on top of that He revealed Himself to this poor slave woman.  He saw her.  He gave heed to her affliction.  He comforted her and sent her back to Sarai and Abram.  And He still allows Sarai and Abram to have a son.

Thank You Lord for being a God of justice and mercy.  Thank You that You see those who are afflicted and You take heed of us. Thank You that Your ways are not our ways, but even when we take things into our own hands and make a mess, You don't forget us and You don't forsake us.
You are so kind!  I love You Lord and I worship You alone.
Make Your Name great!
Bring Your Kingdom down!
Let Your will be done!

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