Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Psalm 83 There have always been enemies who "make an uproar" against God.  They hate Him and exalt themselves. They hate His people and conspire together against them. Enemies who want to wipe out God's people... Israel and Christians.   The psalmist prays that God will "not be silent" and "not be still".  The ultimate purpose is that "they may seek Thy Name O Lord." and that they would know that "Thou alone, whose name is Lord, art the Most High over all the earth."  

As we pray, "Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name,"  we are asking the same thing.  That God would let all men fall on their faces before Almighty God, in their shame and humility, in their dismay at their own sinfulness,  that they would even "perish" - be undone,  die.... so that they might truly live.  To "hallow" God's name, to make it holy, is to sanctify it, to set it apart as a Name greater than any other.  When we seek His Name, we seek Him, the "Most High".  The only True God.  The One Who has created us, revealed Himself to us, and saves us from our greatest enemies, sin, self, and satan.  To not hallow His name, to not call upon Him in Truth, in humility and repentance, is to make "an uproar" against Him.  That is a dangerous place to be. For He will not be silent, nor will He be still.  There will come a time, in His providence, when "every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord."  O what a privilege to be one of His people and gladly chose Him now!

Genesis 14-15  Abram rescues Lot, meets Melchizedek, and comes into a covenant with God.  God gave Abram a look into the future,  his descendants would be slaves in a different land for 400 years and then would return to possess the land of this promise.  Even though he had no children yet, Abram believed God.  God reckoned his belief "as righteousness".  The word "believe" in Hebrew is aman and it means to render firm or faithful, to trust,  to go to the right hand.  It is like Abram and God shook hands on it.  God "reckoned" - considered, valued,  computed righteousness to Abram.  This transaction established a partnership, a friendship, between God and Abram.

Father, thank you for being a God Who reckons belief/faith to be righteousness.  For we can not accomplish perfect righteousness on our own.  Only Jesus could do that.  But, You have reckoned us righteous when we come in faith to Him.  Thank You for such grace as this.  Thank You for extending Your Right Hand to us so that we can take hold and come into Covenant with You.
Lord, I know that You keep Your promises!  I know that You are God alone and that You sent Your only Son, Jesus, to provide salvation by His death on a cruel cross.  I put my faith in Him.  Thank You for reckoning me as righteous.  Marvelous Grace!  Amen

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