Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Psalm 63  "O God, Thou are my God".   What does that statement mean to you?  Can you say it from your heart?  "Elohiym",  supreme, great and mighty God,  You are my God.  The only True God. The One Who is strength and power and might. The only God I will worship or honor!
"I will seek Thee earnestly.  My soul thirsts for Thee, my flesh yearns for Thee."   Is this true of you? Is this true of me?   Do I desire to find Him, to want Him, to love Him and serve Him with every part of me?  With soul and body? Inwardly and outwardly?  Are my thoughts ever drawn towards Him? Every day?
Does my life reflect this truth? Do my words and actions reveal a true thirst and hunger for God?
David's life reflected that truth.  
He loved to be in the sanctuary- the sacred place,  to behold God, to see His power and glory.   Do we  love to go to church?  Do we actually go there to see God?
David loved to praise the Lord.  He sang, he shouted, he lifted up his hands, and he blessed (spoke highly of) the Lord.  When we "worship", do we actually worship?  Do we sing words with our lips but not with our hearts?  So easy to do.  It becomes just habit or ritual, meaningless, or even sentimental.  Without our hearts engaged with real hunger and thirst for our God, without knowing that God is "my God"... it is not really worship at all.
David found satisfaction in God.  He found joy and security and peace in God alone.  He had a deep, strong, loving relationship with God.  "My soul clings to Thee; Thy right hand upholds me." v8
David held onto God and God held onto him.  Day and night,  through good times and bad.
David was not worried about his enemies, because he was confident that those who were evil would be judged and punished by the Judge of all the earth.
This is the life of the one who was called "a man after God's own heart".   He was not perfect, that we know for sure, but he lived most of his life with this driving desire to draw near to God.  He knew God's Word.  He connected with God in prayer and praises every day.  He honored God at every opportunity.  His faith was real and earnest and alive.

This is my New Year's resolution... to follow the example David leaves for us in his writing.
To proclaim that God is my God!
To earnestly seek Him with all my heart, soul, and body.
To attend church with a desire to see God's power and glory, no matter where I am or what else is going on.
To sing and praise God, fully engaged in true worship.
To be satisfied in Him.
To trust God to take care of those who do evil.
Father, help me to live a faith-filled, joy-filled life, clinging to You and knowing that Your right hand upholds me!  Thank You for Your Word and for Your Holy Spirit Who leads me in the Truth.

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