Friday, November 15, 2013

Genesis 12  Abram is 75 years old when God calls him to leave his country, his relatives, and his father's house.  He is called out of the known into the unknown, out of the seen and into the unseen.
Abram is not told where he is to go, but he is told that God has a plan.  And that plan is good!
God promises Abram:
A new land - v6-7 The land that Abram passes through, where the Canaanites live, will be given to Abram's descendants .
A new nation - God promises that He will make Abram into a great nation.
A great name - At Babel the people wanted to make themselves a great name, but God stopped them. Here, He promises that this man will have a great name and it will come because God will bless him.
"And I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing." v2
A great destiny- The promise of God is that Abram will be a blessing and that all the families of the earth shall be blessed in him.  That is a great destiny.

Abram obeys God and goes out with his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot.  He goes through the land of Canaan and sees the place God will give him.  He builds and altar there.  Then he goes on to Bethel and again builds an altar and worships.  Next they move on to Egypt due to a famine.  Here Abram gets himself and Sarai into trouble.  He lies about Sarai being his wife and she is taken into the harem of Pharaoh. But God intervenes and Pharaoh sends them away.  Being chosen by God didn't make Abram perfect, but God still protected them from harm.

Father, Abba,  You call us out of ourselves, out of our comfort zones, and out of the world of sin and darkness.  You lead us into the unknown and unseen.  But we are so thankful that Your plans are perfect! You are the One who brings us into Your Kingdom, You call us by Your grace into a new people, with a new name, and a great destiny.  As believers in Jesus Christ we are adopted by You. We are children of the Heavenly King.  We have been blessed by Abraham. Thank you for Your great promises.  amen

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