Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Psalm 79  The psalmist watches his land and his people, God's people, being destroyed.  The temple is defiled.  The city is ruined.  There are so many bodies they can't even bury them.  Israel is scoffed at, derided, and under reproach. They have been devoured and laid waste.   It is in this state of desperation that he calls out to God.  He prays:
 " Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Thy Name; and deliver us, and forgive our sins, for Thy Name's sake. Why should the nations say, 'Where is their God'".  v9-10a
He appeals to God's compassion and to His justice.  He appeals to God's greatness and power.  He gives thanks and praise to be offered "forever". 

Jesus instructed His disciples to pray to His Father with similar thoughts.  The idea of "hallowing" or honoring His Name.  The petition for forgiveness of sins and the request for deliverance.   For the psalmist the prayer was quite personal and desperate.  But do we have that same passion?  We are blind to just how needy we are sometimes.  In a world such as ours we can go through our days oblivious to the fact that there is death all around us.  Those who are spiritually dead.  Those who are emotionally, mentally, and physically ruined.  They have no hope. They don't know that they can call upon the Name of the Lord for help and deliverance, for forgiveness and compassion. 

We don't necessarily want to pray for vengeance, or for God's wrath to be poured out against other nations.  But when our cities are attacked, when planes are made into deadly missiles, when evil nations develop nuclear bombs..... will we turn to the only real power Who can rescue us?  Will our appeal be the same as the psalmist... "Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your Name; and deliver us, and forgive our sins, for Your Name's sake."   

It is my prayer... every day.  Father, Abba, Let Your Name be honored and glorified.  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done here on earth , as it is in heaven.  Give to us our daily provisions for life.  Forgive us for our sinfulness, we owe You a great debt that we cannot pay, thank You for paying that debt, Jesus!  We willingly offer forgiveness to those who have sinned against us.  Lead us into Your paths of righteousness and away from the temptations that would cause us to fall.  Deliver us from the evil one.  All glory is Yours. All power is Yours.  The Kingdom is Yours.  Be exalted forever. Amen

Genesis 18-19  The Lord comes to visit Abraham.  3 "men" stop by for a visit.  Abraham prepares a meal and they wait while it is prepared and eat together.  Interesting, isn't it?   What would you do if God stopped by and knocked on your door?   Not sure I would offer Him roast beef!
The Lord assures Abraham that Sarah is going to have a son.  It would happen soon.  Sarah is the one to laugh this time.  But He reveals a little more about Himself to them "Is anything too difficult for the Lord?"   The answer to that would be "NO!"  
The Lord also reveals to Abraham that He will be destroying Sodom for the wickedness there.  Abraham appeals to God's justice and bargains for the city based on finding even 10 who are righteous.  But there are none that really qualify.  However, He spares Lot and his family for Abraham's sake.  Even then the angels had to grab Lot's hand and his wife's and daughters' hands and pull them out of the city! 
Lot's wife disobeys the order to not look back and she dies.  The girls are desperate and foolish.  They get their father drunk so that he will sleep with them and they can have children.  These turn out poorly and the nations of Moab and Ammon become enemies of Israel.  

Father, You are Sovereign Lord.  You know the reasons that things happened in the past and You know what will happen in the future.  We don't begin to understand.  I just pray that I will learn the truth of Your greatness and power in my world today.  "Is anything too difficult for the Lord?"  No!
Peace on earth is not too difficult.  Truth and righteousness and justice in our nation... not too difficult for You! Salvation for stubborn hearts... not too difficult!  Let Your Kingdom Come!  Let lives be changed for the glory of Your Name, I pray. Amen

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