Friday, December 6, 2013

Genesis 28-31  Tells the story of Jacob leaving home and going to the house of Laban, his mother's brother.  Before he arrives Jacob has a dream where the Lord reveals Himself to Jacob.  Jacob names this place Bethel, the House of God.   God promises to bless Jacob and to bring him back to his homeland. For the next 20 years Jacob works for Laban. He marries Leah, by deception, and Rachel, out of love.  He has11 sons and 1 daughter.  He becomes wealthy and makes Laban wealthy as well.  Yet, Laban becomes jealous and Jacob secretly leaves with his wives, children, and livestock.  God directs Jacob to return home.

In chapter 31, verses 42 and 53 Jacob refers to God as, "the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac."  Jacob takes a final stand against Laban and escapes from his dominance.  Jacob is on his way home, finally, but there is one more event that will happen before he is completely ready.  In chapter 32 we read that God sends angels to meet with Jacob on the way.  Perhaps they gave him counsel or encouragement.  Next he sends messengers to Esau and finds out that Esau is coming to meet him, along with 400 men.  This terrifies Jacob.  He takes steps to prepare for this important meeting.
He divides his people into 2 groups, hoping to protect at least one.
He prays.
He sends gifts ahead in order to appease Esau.
He then sends everyone of his wives and children across the stream for safety.
Jacob spends the night alone except for a "man" who wrestles with him all night.  Jacob refers to this man as the Lord God.  Whether Christ, pre-incarnate, or an angel we do not know.  But, whoever it was, he :
Dislocated Jacob's hip.
Changed Jacob's name to Israel.
Blessed Jacob.
Jacob would never be able to forget that night.  He was changed physically and spiritually.  He is no longer the deceiver or usurper, but he is the one who strives with God.  Israel - the one who rules.

Father, You are our God, You are the One we fear.  For You are Holy and Powerful.  You will prevail against all men.  Yet, in Your mercy, You meet us and lead us.  You change us so that we are no longer rebellious and alien to You.  You bring us "HOME" to Yourself and to Your Kingdom.
Jacob was far from innocent, but You chose to make him the father of a nation.  You are his God, just as You are our God. Lead us in Your paths, intervene in our circumstances, and bring us also home to be with You!
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Righteous Redeemer, we pray.

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