Monday, November 18, 2013

Psalm 84  To be in God's presence, in His lovely "dwelling places", in His "courts", or even at the threshold of His house, is worth everything we are and everything we have.  It is what our soul longs for.  It is what our heart and flesh desires more than anything.  It is where we find blessing and where we find strength. It is where we find that God is "a sun and shield. It is where we are given grace and glory. "No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."  To be at the altar of the Lord of Hosts, is to be like a bird that has found its house, like a swallow that has a nest, "where she may lay her young."   It is HOME. "For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand outside."

Home.  How often when we travel for even a short time, a few days or weeks, that when we arrive home, we sigh and sink down onto our own beds with such joy! We are at home.  How much more does the weary, war torn soldier find his home a sweet haven!  Or the prisoner, serving years of captivity, desires nothing more than to be home.  This is the longing that the psalmist is expressing for God's presence.  The place where everything makes sense, where we are at peace, and where we can rest. This is what a man finds when he "trusts in Thee".  Hallelujah!

Abba, Father,  I long to be in Your Presence.  To know the intimacy of being at home with You.  It is what my soul longs for and what my heart and flesh desires. Thank You that You have provided the "highway to Zion" - through Jesus Christ the Lord.  You are my dwelling place, Jesus!  Through You I am at home with the Lord of Hosts. Amazing. "My King and my God.  How blessed are those who dwell in Thy house! They are ever praising Thee!"
Thank You gracious Lord.  Amen

Genesis 13  Abram returns from Egypt, backtracking through the Negev to Bethel where he had built an altar to the Lord.  Here is where he and Lot separate .  Lot goes towards the east.  He ends up in Sodom, a place a wickedness.  Not the best choice.   Abram is told to lift his eyes and look all directions.  This is the land that God will give to his descendants "forever"!  Abram moves his tent to the "oaks of Mamre" in Hebron.  He builds another altar there. This becomes home.  It becomes the birthplace of a nation.  It becomes the place of promise. From Hebron we get the designation of Abraham as a "Hebrew".  It has taken him a while to get here, but history will be made in this place.

Father, You lead us to the place that You want us when we put our trust in You.  Sometimes,  what we think is a good choice, leads us in the wrong path.  Thank You that Your Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light for our paths.  We need You to lead us Lord.  Lead us along the path of righteousness.  To Your dwelling place. Amen

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