Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Psalm 90 "Even from everlasting to everlasting Thou art God."  This prayer of Moses reminds us that God is Great!  He established all of creation, He is eternal, and He in omnipotent.  In contrast, we are dust.  We are like grass that sprouts in the morning and fades away in the evening.  Life is short.  "We finish our years like a sigh."  We need to learn to "number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom."    How do we do that?
v 14 - Seek Him in the morning and find contentment in His loving kindness.  Sing for joy and be glad in Him.  Every day, no matter what.
v16 Praise Him. Marvel at His Work and His Majesty.  Pray for eyes to see His Hand in your life and that Your children will see His majesty.
v17  Pray for God's favor.  That God will use the "work of our hands" for His eternal glory. 

v 4 "For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday when it passes by."  Where did yesterday go to?   I am always amazed how quickly the days and weeks, and months fly by.  That is how a thousand years is to God.  When we number our days, when we weigh them, allot them, count them, may they each be lived for God's glory.
 Find us living in faith, in communion with You, Lord God, every day.  Teach us to seek You, praise You, see You, marvel at You, and work for You every day.
This is how we present to You a heart of wisdom. Daily walking with You, abiding in You and You in us. Oh how we need to learn this lesson of committing every day to You.  Teach us I pray.  amen

Genesis 6  Man, left to his own devices becomes corrupt. 10 generations from Adam's fall and the whole earth was corrupt (v12).  Violence, wickedness, and evil had permeated the perfect creation that had once been "good" in the sight of the Lord.  God decided to destroy all flesh.  Every living, breathing thing would be destroyed, except for those whom He would save in the ark.  One man, Noah, walked with God.  One man found favor in His sight.  We are told that Noah was righteous and blameless.  He did everything that God commanded him to do. (He numbered his days and had a heart of wisdom.)

Father, we live in a corrupt world also.  There are many violent and wicked men. Your Word tells us that another time of judgement is coming.  This time it will not be a flood, but fire.  Heaven and earth will pass away.  Only those who come into Your Ark, into the place of safety, into Jesus Christ, will be saved. Oh to find favor in Your sight as Noah did, to walk in Your righteousness, to be obedient to all Your commands, and to be safe in Your arms.  I ask that You will open our eyes to see how much we need to be ready, for the day of Your coming is drawing near.   "Jesus, Messiah, Name above all names, .. rescue for sinners, Ransom from Heaven"  You alone are our Ark of safety.  Bring us fully inside... into You.  Thank You for the free gift of salvation by Your Grace.  I enter in by faith and find refuge.  I ask for mercy on those (loved ones... You know their names Lord) who wait outside, who don't see the coming destruction, that You would grant them repentance, that they would see their own corruption and confess their sins and turn to You. That they might also enter the ark of salvation, Jesus Christ, and be transformed, made truly alive.  I ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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