Thursday, November 28, 2013

Psalm 76-77 "God is known...."   When we truly know Him, when we see Him as He has revealed Himself,  we fall at His feet.
God is "resplendent"
He is majestic.
He is to be feared.
No one can stand in His presence.
His judgements cause the earth to stand still.
He is feared by princes and kings.
Water reacts in anguish at the sight of Him.
Thunder and lightning and rain are His.
The earth trembles and shakes.
He walks through the seas.
"Thy way, O God, is holy; What god is great like our God?"

We need to see You, Lord God.  To see You in Truth. To worship You "in spirit and in truth".  To know You, really know You.   Our eyes are dim. Our hearts are veiled. We... I have such a small glimpse of You, and I want to know You more.  You are the King of Glory!  You are the Creator and Possessor of heaven and earth. Open our eyes Lord! That we might fall on our faces and worship.

Genesis 21
Sarah has Isaac, just like God told them.  But Hagar and her son are now sent away for good.  This breaks Abraham's heart, but God does not abandon them. He hears the boy's cry. (v17).  He opens Hagar's eyes ( v19), and He is "with the lad, and he grew; and he lived in the wilderness, and became an archer."
Abraham and Abimelech make a covenant. Abraham lives in this place which become Beersheba.
It is here that Abraham calls "on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God."
Abraham got a new perspective, a new revelation of Who God is, at the age of 100.   Never too late to get a fresh glimpse, a deeper knowledge, of Who our God really is!


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