Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Psalm 74 When we feel like God has abandoned us, that we are lost and alone in the midst of violent, immoral, and godless people, we need to remember that God has not changed!  Like the psalmist we need to turn our eyes upward and focus on the One Who is greater than any enemy, for He is our king!
He works "deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth" v 12
He divided the sea by His strength. v 13
He conquers monsters! v13-14
He opens springs to give us water and He dries up the water as He chooses. v 15
He possesses both day and night. v 16
He created light.  He created the sun. He created the seasons. v17

Everything is under His control.  And He chooses to help those who are "afflicted and needy".  He also chooses to destroy the wicked.  We are given the free will to choose which one of those categories that we want to be part of.  As for me,  I choose the Lord!

Father, be near me today.  Walk with me and talk with me. Tell me I am Your own.  I need You, Lord. Every day and every hour.  Thank You for loving me.  amen.

Genesis 23-24 Sarah dies. Abraham buys property to bury her.  Then he sends his servant back to Mesopotamia to get a wife for Isaac.  The servant is led by the Lord's angel and finds Rebekah.

Abraham - brother - Nahor & Milcah
|                                            |
Isaac                                Bethuel
                                         Rebekah  - brother- Laban
Isaac and Rebekah are 2nd cousins.  When they meet back in Canaan, they seem to love each other immediately.  Amazing how those things happen!

The unfolding of events, are under Your control Lord God.  May we never forget! Your plan is always perfect no matter what!  Thank You for moving me to this place at just the right time so that I could also find the husband You had for me. You do wonderful works for us.  We praise You and thank You!

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