Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Psalm 65  "How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose and bring near to Thee..."
I am blessed!  Your Word tells me that You have called me by name.  You have granted me repentance and salvation by Your grace.  You have adopted me and redeemed me.  I am blessed!
Mighty God, You still the roaring seas and "the tumult of the peoples".  Still the tumult in our lives today.  May we truly "be still and know that You are God".  You visit the earth and bring rain,  you cause the grain to grow,  You "crowned the year with Thy bounty."  We have been blessed. Let our hearts "shout for joy" and sing Your praises. Let all the earth rejoice today, for Christ our King came to save us!  Amen!

Matthew 2  Jesus is born in Bethlehem and the magi come from the east to worship Him.  We come to worship You too, Jesus.   You are the King of the Jews and You are our King also.  Herod's heart was evil, wanting to kill and destroy You.  But we come as the magi, with hearts that rejoice! You came.  You will come again.  This is what we remember and meditate on today, the splendor of Your glorious majesty, come to earth as a baby boy.  Truly amazing!

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