Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Psalm 78 The psalmist asks us to "Listen"!  This account is what we have heard from our parents and what we need to tell our children, so they can tell their children, so that every generation will know the "praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done."  We need to teach our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren the Word of God so, "That they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments."
There was a generation (perhaps more than just one?) that was "stubborn and rebellious".  A generation "that did not prepare its heart and whose spirit was not faithful to God."   These people:
Turned back from battle. ( They let the enemy in)
Failed to keep the covenant of God. ( Were out of relationship with Him)
Refused to walk in the Law of God. ( Willfully sinned)
And forgot His deeds and miracles.
Over and over they tested God. They spoke against Him.  They angered Him.
"Because they did not believe in God and did not trust in His salvation." v22  "They did not remember his power, the day when He redeemed them from the adversary." v42

At times they would remember and turn back, but "their heart was not steadfast toward Him, nor were they faithful in His covenant."  Again and again the nation of Israel rejected and rebelled against God.  Again and again He had compassion on them.  Up until the time of David, the writer tells of God's wonderful works in saving them, leading them, providing for them, and giving them a shepherd  to be their king.

Father,  help us to remember! Help us to be faithful to share Your praises, Your mighty works, Your power, through Your Word... so that our children and grandchildren, so that all the generations that follow us will put their trust and confidence in You!  So they will know You, Almighty God, Lord Most High! So that they will walk in Your ways, steadfast and faithful, all the days of their lives.  O Lord, may we not fail to have hearts prepared and spirits faithful to You!  May we not fail to prepare our children's hearts to know You and trust You!   You have given us, parents and grandparents, this vital responsibility to raise up a new generation to know and serve You.  Help us to listen and remember and obey!  You know, You remember that we are "but flesh, A wind that passes and does not return".  Even as I waft through this life,  sweeping through the lives of my loved ones, may I be faithful to lead them to You, Lord.  Make my life an instrument in Your Hand, to play a beautiful melody of Your great Love and Salvation, into the hearts of my children and grandchildren, so that they will come to You.  I ask this Jesus, in Your Mighty Name, amen.

Genesis 20  Interesting little chapter in the life of Abraham.  The promise of Isaac's birth within the next year has been given.  Sarah is old.  Abraham is older.  Again they move.  This time they are in the land ruled by Abimelech.  Abraham again tells them that Sarah is his sister, not his wife.  Again, she is taken to be the wife of another man.  Again, God intervenes.   Sarah is given back to Abraham. Abraham ends up with more goods and servants.  Abraham prays for Abimelech and healing occurs.
Why?  I don't know.  It doesn't make sense does it?  Abraham was in the wrong here.  God even agrees with Abimelech that he acted out of the "integrity of" his heart.   Yet Abraham actually is given the command to pray for Abimelech.  We would think that the one who deceived needs the prayer more than the one lied to, but that is not what happened.
God protects Sarah throughout this whole episode.   He keeps Abimelech from even touching her.  He leads Abimelech to give a thousand pieces of silver for "her vindication ".  She had obeyed her husband in telling them that she was his sister.  But at the end her reputation was cleared.   And we are told in the next chapter, "Then the Lord took note of Sarah as He had said and the Lord did for Sarah as He had promised." v1.

Lord,  teach us to trust You like Sarah did.  Thank You that even when we act in ways that are wrong, You are in control.  You are good!  May we remember this every moment. Amen

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