Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Genesis 25 After Sarah died Abraham remarried and had 6 more sons. But only Isaac had an inheritance when Abraham died at the age of 175.   All the other sons were sent away to the east.  It is interesting though that when Abraham dies both Ishmael and Isaac participate in the burial.  Also interesting is the fact that Isaac lives at Beer-lahai-roi, the place that Hagar named when she had run from Sarah.
Isaac and Rebekah finally conceive after prayerful intercession.  They have twins, Jacob and Esau.  Two boys who have totally different personalities, looks, and destinies.
ch.26  This chapter summarizes Isaac's life.  The most important thing is that God makes a covenant with him. The Lord blesses Isaac and promises him the same oath that He had made with Abraham.
There is a promise of land.
A promise of a multitude of descendants.
And a promise to bless all the earth through their descendants.
Through a series of circumstances involving the Philistines and the digging and filling of wells, Isaac and Rebekah end up at Beersheba.
ch 27 tells the story of Jacob's deception, pretending to be Esau, in order to receive the blessing from Isaac.  Then in chapter 28 Jacob is sent away to protect him from Esau and also to assure that he marries someone who is not a Canaanite.  It is during this trip that Jacob receives the covenant from God.
A promise of land.
A promise of many descendants.
And a promise to bless all the earth through his descendants.
Added to this is a promise that God, Who is with him, will keep him, bring him back to the land, and never leave him.
When Jacob awakes after this revelation in his dream, he vows to worship God when he is returned to this place which he calls Bethel, "the house of God".

So much history here in these chapters.  Important, but hard to hear the Shepherd's voice.  What truths can we glean?  What lessons should we learn?  Definitely, important to know that God chooses who He wills for His purposes. The importance of blessing our children has been illustrated here also.

Father, teach me Your ways and speak into my heart Your Words today.  Give me ears to hear and a heart to receive, that I may walk in a manner worthy of You.  Amen.

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