Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Psalm 68 " O God, Thou art awesome from Thy sanctuary." v35
The psalmist sings a song of praise to the Almighty God.
Verses 1-4  God is the victorious King!  "Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered!"
Those who hate God will be driven away. They will melt like wax. They will perish.
The righteous will be glad and rejoice!
"Sing to God, sing praises to His Name."
Verses 5-6 God is the compassionate Father!
He cares for the children without fathers, wives without husbands. "God makes a home for the lonely."  He frees those imprisoned by... sin, self, addictions, lies, evil.....
But the rebel, those unwilling to surrender fully to His Fatherhood, "dwell in a parched land".
His habitation is HOLY.  To enter into His Presence we must come as He asks, humbling ourselves, child-like, realizing our poverty and need.
v7-10 God is the Ruler of all Creation! 
He makes the earth quake. He makes the rain fall. He leads His creations to their homes.
He provides for every need. Psalm 145:15 " The eyes of all look to Thee and Thou dost give them their food in due time. "
v. 11-18 God is Almighty! 
Kings flee at His command.
"The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousands."  There is no end to His power, to His holiness, to His greatness.
v 19-23 God is our salvation! 
He bears our burden.  He delivers us from the evil one.  He shatters the enemy.
He acts on our behalf.
Praise Him! "Bless God in the congregations"  Come with singing, come with instruments, come with gifts!  Come and ascribe strength to Him!  Bless His Name! Honor Him with songs of praise, sung from a full heart a love and thanksgiving!
This is why we meet together in church - not just a habit or an obligation, but to HONOR God, our King, our Father, our Creator, our Salvation!  This is why we join together in songs of praise.  This is why we bring our tithes and offerings, this is why we read and study and meditate on His Word, for He is worthy! He is awesome!

Our Father, Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name!  We honor You!  You are worthy of all our praise.  You are awesome!  Almighty Ruler!  King of all kings and Lord over all lords. Thank You for providing salvation, becoming our Salvation in Jesus Christ!  Thank You for being our Father, adopting us into Your family, through Jesus to Yourself, "according to the kind intention of (Your) will, to the praise of the glory of (Your) grace!" ( Ephesians 1:5b-6a).  We praise You. We sing praises to You! Let us not forget, nor neglect to offer You praise every day!
I praise You because the wicked will be scattered but the righteous will rejoice!
I praise You because You care for us as Your own children.  You make a home for us.  You free us from bondage. You never leave us alone. 
I praise You because all creation is under Your care.  Earthquakes, floods, disasters, are not beyond Your power.  Nothing is too hard for You!
I praise You because no government, no king, no president is greater than You!  They flee at Your command!
I praise You because You have saved me. You have taken my burdens. You have delivered me from my sins.  You are my Salvation. 
Bless Your Holy Name!

Genesis 42 Jacob sends his 10 sons to Egypt to get food.  Joseph recognizes his brothers, but they do not know it is him. They claim to be "honest men" and he tests them by :  keeping Simeon, requiring Benjamin to come, and by returning their money to them.
Joseph realizes that his dreams from years ago are being fulfilled.  He knows God's Hand is in this.
How often do we wait and wait, wondering if God will ever do what He has said?
Be encouraged!  God is faithful to fulfill His perfect plans!
Praise His Name!

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