Wednesday, September 30, 2020

 I Samuel 26-31

These last few chapters of I Samuel tell of the last days of King Saul.  Saul once again turns to tracking down David in order to kill him, forgetting his promise.  Again, David has the opportunity to kill Saul and again he refuses.  David takes Saul's spear and water jug, showing that he was near enough to harm Saul. Again, Saul admits his wrong doing, but does not truly repent. 

David and his men leave Israel and move to Achish in Gath.  There, they settle into the city of Ziklag where they bring their families and dwell for over a year.  From there, David and his men raid other cities to provide for their families, but David tells Achish that he is raiding in Israel. 

David and his men are sent back from the war against Israel.. and find that their city was burned down by the Amalekites.  He consults the Lord and takes his men to rescue their families. The Lord gives him success. Meanwhile... 

The Philistines go up to war with Israel and Saul panics.  He consults a medium and God sends Samuel from the dead to confirm Saul's destruction.  When the war begins Israel is defeated. Saul and his sons are killed and the Philistines celebrate their triumph by desecrating Saul's body. 

Saul was a man consumed by jealousy and fear.  Over and over again he rebels against the Lord and finally dies in utter failure and defeat.  David, on the other hand, continued to trust the Lord, stay faithful to do what was right, and grow into the man that God wanted him to be. 

We are all given a choice as to how we will live.  Will we use the life God has granted us to serve Him and to be what He desires us to be... or will be go our own way and live according to our own desires?

The truth is the same for every person - we will end up like Saul, consumed by evil.. or like David, consumed by God.  May God help us to make the choice that leads to Life!

Father in heaven,  thank You for the Word that gives us such a clear example of a life lived for You and a life lived without You.  We know this is truth.  We see it every day - in our families, in our communities, and in our nation.. It is hard for us to understand why people choose evil.. why they harden their hearts against You... especially when it seems so clear that they are choosing death and not life.  Merciful and compassion Savior,  please rescue the perishing and save those who are lost.  I pray for the salvation of family members, neighbors, and fellow countrymen.  Our nation is in great need of revival and truth.  Come, Lord Jesus, and deliver us from the evil one.  We pray for Your divine grace and help in this time of need.  We pray in the name and authority of our King and Lord, amen. 

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