Wednesday, September 23, 2020

 I Samuel 18 

David was taken into full time service by Saul. He became Jonathan's closest friend. He became Mikhal's love and husband.  He became Israel's  favorite soldier. And, he became Saul's enemy. 

Saul became jealous of David because of the song the women sang, "Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands." 

Then, Saul became afraid of David. V 12 "Saul became afraid of David, because Adonai was with him and had left Saul."

The more successful that David became, the more Saul feared him and tried to have him killed.. sending him into battles so that the Philistines would do the work for him. 

Jealousy and fear... two emotions that often bring about enmity, hatred,  and war. 

The religious leaders in the days of Jesus' walk on earth were jealous of His popularity, power, and position.  They were afraid to lose their power and position.. so they became His enemies.  

We see these two traits at work in our world today.. politically, socially, and personally.  How can we deal with these?  

Like David, we need to know that the Lord is on our side.  We are called to walk in the Spirit, to walk in the Light, and to live as His children.  Every success will be ours when Adonai is with us.  It may not look like the world's definition of success.. but every victory will be to His glory. We must keep persevering in faith and obedience. 

Like Jesus, we must not try to please mankind.. but please the Father by doing what He says and by saying what He tells us to say.  Jesus spoke the truth to His enemies as well as to His friends.  We need to always speak the truth .. with love. 

Those who argue and persecute and attack the followers of Jesus.. do so because of jealousy and fear. We can pray for them to come to know the only One who brings peace.. Jesus Christ the Lord. 

Father, open our eyes to see the hearts of those who disagree, argue, despise, or persecute Your children. May we have the love of Christ Jesus to love them, to repay them with good,  to show them the way of salvation and to pray for them faithfully.   Fulfill Your purposes for each of us today.. may we be light in this darkness.. by the power and presence of Your Spirit in us.  We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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