Monday, September 7, 2020

Ephesians 6:10-24

The Complete Jewish Bible says it this way, "Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with His mighty strength! Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary.  For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm." 

This is the third time in this letter that Paul mentions these "rulers and authorities".. 
In the first chapter he reminded us that the mighty strength of God raised the Messiah from the dead and that He is seated at His right hand.. "far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion or any other name that can be named either in the 'olam hazeh' ( this age) or in the 'olam haba' ( the age to come)."  ( 1:21)  In 3:10 Paul wrote that God unveiled His hidden plan.. the plan of redemption for all people, Jews or Gentiles.. "for the rulers and authorities in heaven to learn.. how many-sided God's wisdom is." 

Hallelujah!  Jesus is "far above" these rulers and powers.. and He has shown them the greatness of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. These rulers have chosen to be the enemy of God and the enemy of God's people, but we have been united with Jesus Christ and with His strength so that we can stand firm and keep on standing!  He has truly "blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heaven"!

"So take up every piece of war equipment God provides.. "  It is ours, provided by the One who is above all, and we need to just take it.. carefully and completely.. so that we can stand firm.

First we must take up truth - Truth conquers the lies of the Adversary.  Jesus told us that He, Himself is the  Truth.  The Word of God is Truth.  Jesus prayed, "Set them apart for holiness by means of the truth - your word is truth" ( John 17:17)  If we fail to read, study, meditate on, or abide in the Word.. the Truth- we are not protected from the deception of the enemy.

Our war equipment also consists of "righteousness".   We have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ but we are also called to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness"; to "hunger and thirst for righteousness" ( Matthew 5:6;  6:33);  Paul wrote that we have been set free from sin and "have become slaves to righteousness".   In Ephesians 5:9 Paul says that the "fruit of the light is in every kind of goodness, rightness, and truth -"   Righteousness is a character trait that comes from the Lord and is  based on His Truth.  Our goals and desires.. our master.. if you will.. is to do what is pleasing to the Lord.. always.  To be righteous is to be innocent of wrongdoing, of sin, of all the evil that our enemy tempts us with.

Father in heaven,  You are God alone, self-existent and self-sufficient, holy and perfect in all Your ways, and we praise and worship You.  Thank You for the Truth.  Thank You that the Word of God has been given to us so that we might stand firm in union with our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Fill our hearts and minds with Your Word, write it on our hearts and allow it to penetrate our whole beings.  Thank You for the righteousness of Jesus our Lord that covers us by the shedding of His blood on the cross.  May all of our hearts wholly seek to live in the light of Jesus, that we might be innocent in our character and in our actions, for we desire to please You and not man.  Fill us again to the full with Your Spirit we pray, in Jesus' name, the Name above all names, Amen.

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