Friday, September 11, 2020

I Samuel 6-7

 After 7 months of tumors, death, and rats.. the Philistines were desperate to rid themselves of the Ark of the Covenant. They listened to the advice of their priests, put the ark on a cart, harnessed two milk cows, added a box of golden tumors and rats as a guilt offering..  and sent it off.  The cows went straight to Bethshemesh.  When the people saw it they rejoiced!  They immediately sacrificed the cows as a burnt offering and set the ark on a large rock.

But, they failed to obey the Law and looked into the ark.  Because they knew better, the Lord struck down the people of that city.. 52,070 in all.  Those left cried out, "Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God?" They sent messengers to Kiriath-jearim and men came and took the ark to the house of Abinadab.  Eleazar, the son of Abinadab, was consecrated to care for the ark.

For 20 years the ark stayed in Kiriath-jearim. During this time Samuel judged Israel and led them to repent of their idolatry, destroy the idols, and return to the Lord. The nation joined together in a day of fasting and prayer at Mitzpah.  The Philistines gathered against Israel to attack but when the people prayed and Samuel offered a burnt offering, the Lord fought for them and not only were the Philistines defeated, but some of the territory they had taken from Israel was restored.

It is here in this section that we read about Samuel setting up a stone that he called "Ebenezer" - the stone of help - "Adonai has helped us until now."  I recently read a devotional written by Joni Erikson Tada called "Shelter in Place" ( on the You Version Bible App) .  Joni talked about this passage and how God often sealed memorable events with some kind of physical memorial - the rainbow for Noah, the Passover for the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, etc.   She says this, "For years now, I've looked at my wheelchair as my Ebenezer. It's a visible, physical reminder; it's my stone of remembrance to commemorate God's grace in my life. It reminds me of how far the Lord has brought me, and everyone who sees me smile in this wheelchair knows that God is my help.." She challenges the reader to think of their own memorials.. What "tangible reminders of God's ever-present help" do we have?   When things are crushing us, when we are troubled or in pain.. is there something that we can look at and remember that God has helped us thus far and trust that He will help us now?

Father in heaven, we come to stand before You, our Holy God, only by the grace that has been lavished on us through Jesus Christ, Your Son.  Thank You.  Thank You for being our help "from ages past" and our "hope" for eternity.  Thank You for my "Ebenezer" - my daughter, a physical, visible reminder of Your grace in my life. I pray that we will stop and remember today of how You have helped us along life's journey..  May we each stop, be still, and KNOW that You are God and that You will be exalted among the nations and in all the earth!  To You be the glory for great things You have done!  Amen

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