Thursday, September 24, 2020

 I Samuel 19-21

Saul begins his quest to kill David.  Jonathan tries to intervene, but that only works for a little while.  Mikhal also helps David escape.. once. Samuel hides David at the school of prophets until Saul comes there.  David tries to return to the court but Saul tries again to kill him.  His obsession is so great that he even throws a spear at Jonathan in his anger. 

Jonathan and David had an enduring friendship that lasted beyond Jonathan's life.  But that friendship could not help change Saul's desire to kill David.  With a final warning from Jonathan, David escapes from Saul's hand and goes out.. completely on his own at this point. He has nothing.  He stops at the tabernacle and takes the consecrated bread as his only food and he takes Goliath's sword as his only weapon.  David doesn't have any place to go.. so he goes to Gath.  He immediately realizes that this was a mistake and acts crazy so that he can get away from there also.

We don't know how many psalms David wrote at this time, but we do know that he wrote some.  Perhaps Psalms 11-13 were penned at this time -   " In the Lord I take refuge.. " ( 11:1)  or "How long, O Lord? Wilt thou forget me forever?" (13:1)  

Yet, Psalm 34 is introduced as a psalm written at the time David feigned madness before Abimelech.

 "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my  mouth." (v1)  

" The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous; But the Lord delivers him out of them all." ( v18-19) 

David's faith remained unshaken even though he was alone, running for his life, and heartbroken at the loss of his friend Jonathan and his wife Mikhal.  He was God's anointed king, but retreated alone to a cave.  And even then, he praised the Lord!

Father in heaven, thank You for being the God who never changes!  You are altogether perfect in every way.. infinite, immutable, sovereign, holy, and just.  Your mercies are new every morning and Your compassion never fails. Thank You for loving us and being our refuge and strength in every trouble.  May we have faith that remains unshaken in these days of turmoil in our world.  You are near to us in our brokenness and You will deliver us out of our afflictions!  We bless You Lord!  May Your praise be ever on our lips!  We pray for peace and grace.  We pray for the Word of the Lord to run rapidly through this land. We pray for repentance for our nation, that we will seek Your Kingdom and  Your righteousness above all else. We ask these things in the Name of Jesus, the appointed heir of all things. Amen. 

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