Monday, September 14, 2020

I Samuel 8-10  When Samuel was getting old and his sons failed to be faithful judges, the people of Israel demanded that Samuel give them a king. Samuel did not want to do this, but the Lord told him to do it, because  ".. they are rejecting Me; they don't want Me to be king over them.." 

Samuel warned the people of the negative consequences that would occur when a king was given power over the nation, but the people still cried out for a king.

In chapters 9-10 we read the sequence of events that led up to the choosing of Saul as Israel's first human king.

First, we learn of Saul's heritage  - he is from the tribe of Benjamin. His father Kish was a "man of substance and brave as well." 

Then we learn of his physical appearance - Saul was "young and good-looking;.. he stood head and shoulders taller than anyone else in Israel"

Saul was sent out to look for his father's lost donkeys and ended up meeting with Samuel.  Samuel informed Saul that God had chosen him to be king of Israel. Samuel gave Saul a series of signs that would happen.. to confirm that this was really happening to him..

As Saul left Samuel, "God gave him another heart; and all those signs took place that day." (10:9)

Even so, Saul was timid and hid when the time of his appointment came.  As all Israel gathered together.. each tribe came forward and the tribe of Benjamin was chosen by lot.  As each clan from that tribe came forward, the clan to Matri  was chosen.  As each family came forward, Saul was chosen. Clearly, God's choice.   The Lord revealed Saul's hiding place and he was brought out to Samuel.  The people saw this tall, handsome young man and approved of his selection... shouting  "Long live the king!" 

They knew nothing about Saul, but looked only at his appearance. They may have approved of him because of the way the lots fell too.  Either way, most of them went on their merry way believing that all would be well now that they had a king.

Father, we know that You had a plan for Saul and for Israel.  You did not give up Your Sovereignty over Israel just because they chose a king.  Even now, we know You are Sovereign over every nation, over every king, dictator, president, or leader.  You see their hearts and know their deeds.   Your word says, "The king's heart in Adonai's hand is like streams of water - he directs it wherever He pleases." (Proverbs 21:1)  So, we pray that You will direct the heart of our president towards Truth and Righteousness.  We pray that You will lead our president and our  nation to faith in Jesus Christ who is King of kings and Lord of lords.  You alone are God and You alone can save us from the evil one who wants to destroy and bring pain and suffering.  Lead us in righteousness, hear our cry for deliverance and surround us "with favor like a shield" as we take refuge in You, Adonai,  God of heaven and earth.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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