Thursday, September 10, 2020

I Samuel 5   The Philistines had captured the ark of God. They placed it in the temple of Dagon, their god in Ashdod.  But, things did not go as they expected!  After the first night they found Dagon on his face before the ark. After the second night, they found Dagon broken into pieces on the ground before the ark.  Not only that, but a plague of tumors afflicted the people of that city. There was no denying that Adonai, the God of Israel was greater than any other.. but..

... they sent the ark to another city! This city also experienced the sickness with tumors breaking out on all the people.  So, they also sent the ark out.. but the citizens of Ekron panicked. The hand of God came down and people died or had tumors.  ".. and the city's cries for help reached the skies." 

Panic, pain, and death ... but, none of this brought about repentance.  The Philistines valued their own false god more than they did their own health and lives.  They could have repented and called upon the Lord.  But, they turned away from the Truth and suffered for their own folly.

Note that it is Adonai who "began oppressing the people..."  Ashdod, Gath, and Ekron - three of the five main cities of the Philistines suffered under the hand of God.  They knew the cause. But, they would not humble themselves before Adonai.  Instead, they chased the ark out of their cities and caused the plague to effect others.

Is there a lesson here for us?  The "plague" of Covoid-19  has affected cities all over our world.  It has been spread from one city to another. Yet, how many have turned from their false gods and humbled themselves before the One True God?   Our country , our  whole world needs Jesus.  He is our hope.. not only from a virus, but from sin and death.  Is all of this the Hand of God "oppressing" the people of the world?  The results appear the same as it did in the Old Testament account - death, panic, fear, and despair.....

God is giving nations.. great and small.. an opportunity to repent and find life in Jesus Christ.  The only solution for our world is found in the Gospel.  May God bring about a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom!

Father, You are holy.  We honor Your Name.  We pray for the lost here and around the world, that the good news of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed in all Truth and that many will receive the salvation that is in Him alone.  Let Your name be praised among the nations, Father.  You alone are God in heaven and earth and there is no other.  Amen.

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