Wednesday, September 16, 2020

 I Samuel 13  Saul began to reign over Israel.  He began to build an army, choosing 3000 men at first. He appointed Jonathan, his son over 1000 of them.  When Jonathan assassinated the Philistine  governor of Geba war breaks out.  The Philistines bring 30.000 chariots, 6000 horsemen, and an army so great that it was compared to the sand on the seashore.  Israel could not stand against them on their own.  The people began hiding in caves, the men in the army were ready to desert and Saul was waiting on Samuel to come. 

It is at this point, early in Saul's reign, that he makes a decision that changes the course of his life... He takes upon himself the offering of burnt offerings. This revealed Saul's heart - his faith was not in God, but in himself- for he failed to obey God's Word. 

As soon as the offerings were finished.. Samuel came.  When he confronted Saul, there was only a weak excuse and no repentance.  Samuel's words to Saul should have broken his heart.. "You did a foolish thing. You didn't observe the commandment of Adonai, which he gave you. If you had, Adonai would have set up your kingship over Israel forever. But, as it is, your kingship will not be established. Adonai has sought for himself a man after his own heart, and Adonai has appointed him to be prince over his people, because you did not observe what Adonai ordered you to do." 

Saul ended up with only 600 soldiers.  No one had swords or spears except for Saul and Jonathan.  Israel was in desperate need... 

Our God is still looking for men and women "after His own heart".  He is unconcerned with numbers.  He is unconcerned with power.  He is unconcerned with religious rituals..  He is looking at  hearts. His desire is for us to trust and obey Him.  Period.  It is often at the times of our greatest need.. at times of crisis.. that our true hearts are revealed.. 

Father in heaven, there are many today that are fearful and anxious.. we are hiding.. not in caves, but in our own homes.  We are concerned with the enemy that surrounds us.. the enemy of disease, the enemy of violence, the enemy of political dissension.  Let our hearts Lord, seek only You.  May we wait on You. Not run ahead, not seek our own ways.. but  wait on the Lord. Help us to have this one true desire - to lay down our lives, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus! Amen!

"To Thee, O Lord, I lift up my soul;

O my God, in Thee I trust,

Do not let me be ashamed;

Do not let my enemies exalt over me.

Indeed, none of those who wait for Thee will be ashamed."

(Psalm 25:1-3) 





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