Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 I Samuel 17  David is certainly a unique man.  His courage and zeal to fight Goliath proves that he was different than any other man in Israel.  The whole army stood frozen in fear at the sight of this 9ft giant man. David only saw an "uncircumcised Philistine"  who challenged the "armies of the living God".  Goliath was no different to David than the lion or bear that he had slain to protect his sheep.  David's faith rested solely on the Lord. 

David ran towards the enemy, not away from him.  He took what he could use, not the armor of Saul, but his sling and 5 rocks.  His testimony was clear, ".. I'm coming at you in the name of Adonai-Tzva'ot, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have challenged. Today Adonai will hand you over to me." 

And what David believed.. he received. Victory over the giant and victory over the Philistines. 

Jesus said, "Have the kind of trust that comes from God! Yes! I tell you that whoever does not doubt in his heart but trusts that what he says will happen can say to this mountain, 'Go and throw yourself into the sea!' and it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, trust that you are receiving it, and it will be yours." ( Mark 11: 22-24)  

This is the kind of faith that David exhibited. 

This is the kind of faith that we all need. 

Father, help us to have the kind of trust, the kind of faith, that comes from You.  To believe and receive. To know You- like David did.. and to not only face the "giants" in our lives, but to run towards them in Your Name.  We need Your Spirit, which is "not a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline." ( 2 Tim. 1:7).   We are able to stand when we take your truth, your righteousness, your salvation, your peace, and Your Word and Your  Spirit.. the armor of God. Thank You for the victory that is in Christ Jesus. Glory, honor, and praise to our King. In His name we pray. Amen. 

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