Thursday, September 3, 2020

 Ephesians 5  

In chapter 4 Paul laid out instructions to "strip off the old nature"  with all its "deceptive desires" - to stop lying, stealing, and hurting others.. to stop slander and bitterness, anger and rage.  Instead, he writes, we are to "clothe [ourselves] with the new nature created to be godly.. " To speak truth, to work and make an honest living; to be "kind to each other, tenderhearted; and forgiving each other.." 

"So imitate God, as his dear children; and live a life of love, just as also the Messiah loved us, indeed, on our behalf gave himself up as an offering, as a slaughtered sacrifice to God with a pleasing fragrance." (5:1)  In verses 8-9 he says it this way.. "Live like children of light, for the fruit of the light is in every kind of goodness, rightness, and truth-".  We are to "pay careful attention to how [we] conduct [our] lives." (v15)  We must be continually kept "filled with the Spirit".  

How do we do this? 

We turn away from all sin - sexual immorality, or any kind of impurity, or greed... obscenity, stupid talk or coarse language;- anything and everything  that is not like  our God who we are to imitate!

We are to expose what is dark.  Stop all foolishness.  Resist those who want to deceive with their "empty talk". Be wise. 

Instead we should choose to fill our minds and hearts with worship and the Word, and with thanksgiving - "sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to each other; sing to the Lord and make music in your heart to Him; always give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah." ( v19-20) 

Live a life of love. Live in the Light. Walk in the Way.. Jesus Christ is the Way and His life is our example. By the power of His Spirit we can live to please the Lord. 

Father in heaven,  holy and blessed is Your Name in all the earth.  We come into Your Presence with thankful hearts, for You have covered us by the blood of the Lamb and we have been called Your children. Fill us Holy Spirit so that we might walk in love and in truth.  We are children of Light as we are united with Jesus, the Light of the World..  May the fruit of light.. goodness, rightness, and truth.. flow through us- to please You and to expose the deeds of darkness.  Let Your will be done in us today, so that You will receive all glory, honor, and praise.  In Jesus's name we pray. Amen. 

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