Tuesday, September 15, 2020

 I Samuel 11 - When Nahash, the Ammonite, came up to Jabesh-gilead, he offered them a peace accord. The one condition was that every man would have his right eye gouged out!  The people asked for 7 days to consider this and sent out messengers through Israel to see if any would come help them.  Saul was coming in from his field when he heard the news.  It appears that he had not even become a leader even though he was "king".  It is at this time that the "Spirit of God" fell on Saul and he was moved to action. 

Messengers were sent throughout Israel and the army of 300,000 came together to conquer the Ammonites.  This victory cemented Saul's position as king.  To his credit, Saul gave the glory to the Lord. It was a good start to his leadership. 

Chapter 12 - Samuel addresses Israel, reminding them that even though they have a king, their lives still depended on the Lord.  It was Adonai that freed Israel from slavery in Egypt. It was Adonai that sent judges to rescue them from their enemies time after time.  It is Adonai who was and is their true King.  It is Adonai who has given them a king to rule over them according to their request.  But, they will have no security just because of their human king.  They would only have true life if they served Adonai, obeyed His Word, and didn't rebel against Him. 

The people began to realize their sin in wanting a king and asked Samuel to pray for them.  Samuel's words are relevant to us all.. "Don't be afraid.  You have indeed done all this evil; yet now, just don't turn away from following Adonai; but serve Adonai with all your heart. Don't turn to the side; because then you will go after useless things that can neither help nor rescue, they are so futile. For the sake of His great reputation, Adonai will not abandon his people; because it has pleased Adonai to make you a people for Himself." (v20-22)   

V24 "Only fear Adonai, and serve him faithfully with all your heart; for think what great things he has done for you!" 

Father, You are our Refuge and Help. There is no king, no politician, no government that can bring us hope or rescue us from evil. You and You alone are our King and our God.  May Your will be done and Your Name praised in all the earth. Thank You for these words of Truth that comfort us.. that You redeem us and forgive us our trespasses;  You will not forsake us.  You have made us Your own.  We do not want to turn aside to anything in this world, but to serve, obey, and trust You alone. Be glorified in Your people as we faithfully love and serve You.  Amen. 

PS - In 2007, the Lord gave me verse 16 "Even now, take your stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes."  We were heading to Mali, West Africa on a missions trip to work at the hospital there. The men in our group were adding a metal roof to an area that would be a workshop and storage building.  It was October and very hot. The sun hitting the metal roof was making the job even harder. As we gathered for lunch that day, the conversation prompted me to share the verse above. So, we prayed.  We asked the Lord to do a great thing before our eyes... to provide a cloud at a certain time, that would give relief to those working on that roof.  And... He did.  ONE cloud in the blue sky that blocked out the sun.  God has done "great things" for us!  Today, this verse has helped me remember that miracle of grace and kindness!   Our God is so, so good!

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