Friday, September 4, 2020

Ephesians 5:21- 6:9  Paul gives specific instructions to the believers on how to conduct their lives - to live a life of love and to walk as children of Light.

First of all - we need to keep being filled in our spirits by the Holy Spirit. We can do this by keeping the Word in our minds and hearts.  Hymns, spiritual songs, and psalms help us to do that. Worshiping God and giving Him thanks for everything will also help us do that.

We also need to "submit to one another in fear of the Messiah."   This takes humility, doesn't it? This doesn't come easy.. but it is a fruit of the Spirit that we need to cultivate.

Paul gets very specific here:

"Wives should submit to their husbands."
".. husbands, love your wives, just as the Messiah loved the church"
"Children.. obey your parents, for this is right.."
"Fathers, don't irritate you children and make them resentful, instead, raise them with the Lord's kind of discipline and guidance." 
"Slaves, obey your human masters.. but serve as slaves of Messiah.. doing what God wants with all your heart.."
".. masters, treat your slaves the same way.."

In other words, whatever relationships we have with others, we need to do what is right ( according to God's word, not the world's) .... doing what is good, kind, and truthful;  with true humility  and with love.  These characteristics reveal a right relationship with our Lord.

Father in heaven, we ask You to help us live this worthy life that pleases You, by the power of Your Spirit who lives in us.  We want to imitate You and to reflect Your light in our lives and relationships.  May Your love grow in us and overflow to others every day. We love You and want to honor You and bring glory to Your holy name.  We recognize that only in union with our Lord Jesus can we live this life of love. Thank You for bringing us into union with Yourself through the cross of Christ. We put our trust in Christ alone. It is the name of Jesus that we pray. amen.

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