Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 I Samuel 25  "Samuel died".   Change is around the bend.  Things will be different soon. 

Life for David will also be changing soon.   It is at this time that David and his men are in the desert.  David sends some men to Nabal in order to receive some food in turn for helping protect his flocks and servants.  But, Nabal scorns David and refuses to offer any help.  Nabal has a reputation as a mean and worthless man.  His decision to ignore David's request just about got him and his whole household killed.  But, Nabal had an intelligent and wise wife... 

Abigail intervened on her husband's behalf.  She brought gifts to David and tactfully kept David and his men from attacking Nabal.  David leaves Nabal in God's hands.. and the next day, when Abigain tells her husband what almost happened, he has a stroke.  Within 10 days he is gone. 

David does not leave Abigail all alone.  He sends for her to come and be his bride. And she does. 

The Lord used Abigail to save all those who worked for Nabal. She saved David from taking vengeance into his own hands.  Abigail married David and had one son, Chileab, also called Daniel.  

Father in heaven, You are God and You do not change! For this we are so thankful and give You praise.  You are perfect in every way, infinite in all power, wisdom, and knowledge.  As we read about these events in Your word, I am reminded once again that life on this planet is always changing.. sometimes when we least expect it.  Abigail's life changed practically overnight. She trusted in You and lived accordingly.  Help us to have this kind of trust. May we find that confident assurance that no matter what.. not matter what changes are coming.... You are our refuge and strength.  May we say, like David did in Psalm 16, "You are my Lord; I have nothing good outside of You."  You lead us in Your paths.. that lead to life, joy, and "eternal delight".  And these truths NEVER change!  Amen!

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