Monday, September 21, 2020

 I Samuel 16  This chapter introduces us to David the son of Jesse.  It is interesting to read the sequence of events.  The Lord sends Samuel to Bethlehem because He had already selected a man to become king instead of Saul. But, He doesn't make it easy... 

Samuel goes up to Bethlehem to anoint a new king, but is afraid that Saul will kill him if he finds out.  Adonai tells him to take a cow to offer as a sacrifice and then to listen for instructions.  Seven sons of Jesse come before Samuel, and the Lord says no to each of them.  It is David who is God's choice. 

He is anointed with oil and filled with the Spirit. 

It is just after this that Saul brings David into his service as his armor-bearer.  More importantly, David plays music to soothe Saul when the "evil spirit from God" comes over him. 

David is described as a handsome, ruddy young man with beautiful eyes.  The Complete Jewish Bible says he has "ruddy cheeks, red hair, and bright eyes".  ( Thought that was interesting!)  He is also described as "a brave soldier, he and fight, he chooses his words carefully, and he's pleasant looking. Besides, Adonai is with him." ( v18). 

We know that the Lord had a purpose for David from the beginning. His life becomes entangled with Saul and his family over the course of years. David becomes Jonathan's friend, Mikhal's husband, and Saul's servant.. and replacement.  He becomes a warrior, a psalmist, a king, and a man after God's own heart. 

The most important thing that we learn from this chapter comes from verse 7.. "Adonai doesn't see the way humans see - humans look at the outward appearance, but Adonai looks at the heart." 

Father in heaven, thank You for looking at our hearts.. to know us each thoroughly.  Help us to realize again that it is what we are in the inside that is much more important than the outside.  May our hearts be pure and not evil; obedient and full of love, not hardened and full of bitterness or anger. Teach us Your ways and help us to truly listen to Your voice.  Let Your purposes be completed in us we pray. 

In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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