Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 I Samuel 1-4  Eli, the high priest, "judged" Israel for 40 years, we are told. ( 4:18)  His two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were  "scoundrels who had no regard for Adonai".  They took what they wanted from the sacrificial offerings,  they slept with women who served at the temple gate, and they had absolutely no respect for their father or for the Lord.  It is at this time that God provides a man who will lead Israel forward. 

It started with an unhappy and miserable woman, who loved God, but,  who had not been able to have a child.  Hannah was greatly loved by her husband, but his second wife taunted and scorned Hannah constantly.   Hannah did the only thing she could.. she poured out her heart before God and made a vow to present her son to the Lord, if He allowed her to have a child. And so, Samuel was born. 

Hannah kept her vow and Samuel was "on loan to Adonai" for as long as he lived. ( 1:28) As Samuel grew up, Eli's sons got worse. At that time "Adonai rarely spoke, and visions were few" in Israel.  So when the Lord spoke to Samuel, he didn't even know Who was speaking to him.  From that time on Adonai began to reveal Himself to Samuel. 

In chapter 4 a great tragedy occurred. The Philistines attacked Israel and the sons of Eli took the ark of the covenant out of the Holy of holies.. took it to the battle field..and lost it into the hands of the Philistines. They also lost their lives.  Eli heard the news and also died . Phinehas' wife went into labor and delivered a child.  As she was dying she named the child Ichabod.. " The glory has departed from Israel". 

All through the time of the judges, Israel was moving further away from their God.  With the loss of the Ark and the death of the priests, it appears that Israel had reached rock bottom.. It is just at this time that God does a wonderful work of grace in the life of a faithful, yet suffering, woman named Hannah.  Samuel's birth and dedication to Adonai is an answer to Israel's need as well as to Hannah's prayers. 

God's plans and purposes are beyond what we can imagine. Even in times like these, when it seems very dark and life is filled with strife from every side.. God is in control and He has not abandoned His people. 

Father, we are thankful that You will never abandon us or stop working in our world.  You used a humble barren woman, Hannah, to do a new work that would bring life back to Israel.  You judge the wicked and lift up the humble. You are the same now as You were in that day. Use Your people, the Body of Christ, the church, to bring life and light to our world.  May the glory of the Lord, Jesus Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords, be lifted up and exalted in all the earth. May the glory of God also return to Israel.  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done we pray. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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