Friday, September 18, 2020

 I Samuel 15  Saul was commanded to "completely destroy everything" that the Amalekites had.. every life, every animal.. everything.  This was God's judgement upon Amelek because of their fight against Israel. So, Saul took his 200,000 soldiers and went to war. And.. he destroyed everything.. except -the king, Agag; and the best of the sheep and cattle.. and some of the second best too. 

Samuel heard from the Lord and went to confront Saul, who lied about what he did. Caught in his lie, Saul blamed "the people" for his decisions.  Even when Samuel told Saul that God had judged him unfit to lead Israel, Saul continued to make excuses and argue and blame others for his willful disobedience.  He didn't understand that what he did was evil in God's eyes. 

Samuel was heart-broken over the whole situation. He did what Saul should have done, killing Agag.  Then he left Saul and never saw him again until the day he died. 

Samuel's words in verse 22-are so important:

"Does Adonai take as much pleasure

in burnt offerings and sacrifices

as in obeying what Adonai says?

Surely obeying is better than sacrifice,

and heeding orders than the fat of rams."

Without doing the will of the Lord, any sacrifice or offering is not only worthless, but and offense to Him. ( Isaiah 1:11-15; Hebrews 10:6-9; Psalm 40:6-8)

Father in heaven, search our hearts and reveal to us.. each of us.. any times we have gone through the motion of "worship".. while being disobedient, rebellious, or neglectful of doing Your will.  May we stop making excuses, blaming others, or lying about our own choices.  Thank You for the One who sacrificed His life for us so that we might be forgiven of all sin and covered by His righteousness.  Your will be done, Father.. in us as it is in heaven.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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