Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I Corinthians 5

Starting in Corinthians 5 Paul addresses the various problems and questions among the believers.  He begins with the serious issue of immorality.  There was a man, who considered himself a believer, but who was living with his step-mother in sin.  The church not only failed to address the situation, they were accepting of it.  Paul told them to throw the man out of the church!  

Paul called sin - sin.  Allowing sin in the fellowship of believers is equivalent to allowing leaven in the Passover meal. Totally unacceptable!  Just as the Israelites were commanded to remove every speck of leaven from their houses in order to celebrate Passover, the church is to carefully  and thoroughly confront sin among themselves.  The Passover Lamb - Jesus Christ "has been sacrificed", Paul reminds his readers.. and "in reality you are unleavened".  Don't allow leftover leaven - wickedness and evil - remain; the church needs "purity and truth". 

We take to heart the words of Jesus in Matthew7 "Do not judge lest you be judged." But, Paul says, "For I, on my part, though absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged him who has so committed this.. " There is a time when righteous  judgement is necessary. Paul's desire was for the man to repent and for the church to be purified.  When we allow sin to take hold in the church because we are afraid to judge with righteousness.. then the church will be worthless, unholy, and in danger of destruction.  As Jesus spoke in Revelations 2 to the church at Ephesus , "Therefore, remember where you were before you fell, turn from this sin, and do what you used to do before. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your menorah (lamp stand) from its place." 

The Church in America today looks a lot like the church in Corinth, doesn't it?  Immorality is ignored and even accepted in many denominations.  When the church does stand for moral behavior and righteous living, it is condemned and called intolerant and biased. Things are getting worse and we are seeing that the slippery slope.. the slide downwards is moving faster and faster.  What can we do? We must pray!

Father in heaven, You are sovereign and mighty.  There is nothing impossible with You. Jesus Christ is the Head of the church and we are His body.  Purify the church, Lord!  May we be bold and courageous to stand for purity and truth.  Strengthen us so that we will continue to be strong in Your strength with the holy armor of Truth, Righteousness,  Gospel Peace, Salvation, Faith, and the Word of God.  Fill us with Your HOLY Spirit.  May we be overcomers, persevering through the coming tribulations in the Name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be glorified and honored in our lives and in our church we pray, in the name of our Holy Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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