Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Joshua 22-24

Joshua 22-24  Israel had taken possession of the land and had found rest from their enemies.  Joshua gives leave to the soldiers belonging to Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh to go home, on the other side of the Jordan. They are warned to stay faithful to Adonai, "following all his ways, observe his laws, cling to him and serve him with all your heart and being."   Wanting to make sure that they were included in the nation of Israel, the men built an altar to the Lord.  This caused an uprising among the other tribes because they were afraid that it would bring judgement over the whole nation.  This misunderstanding was cleared up as they vowed to obey God alone.

Joshua gives a farewell address to all of Israel reminding them of all that God had done, starting with Abraham's calling out of Ur and up to the provision of this promised land. He challenged the people to "choose today whom you are going to serve."  Over and over again the swear to serve Adonai.

Joshua is 110 years old when he dies and is buried in the land that was his inheritance. He had made his choice to serve the Lord, his God.  He remained faithful throughout his whole life.

Today.. and every day.. we make a choice to serve, worship, cling to, and obey the Lord our God.
We make that choice by never giving His place to any other.. even to our own egos.  He is the only One worthy of our worship and our service. May we be faithful to serve Him all the days of our lives.

Father, we know that You alone are worthy of worship.  We will give no place to any other.  You are holy and righteous.  You are Infinite and Amighty God.  May we be men and women who serve You with all of our hearts and beings. Thank You for bringing us into Your Kingdom, to be Your people who have entered into the rest of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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