Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Corinthians 11

I Corinthians 11:1-16

In these verses Paul speaks of the "traditions" that he had passed on to the church and praises them for remembering them.  He goes on to speak of the "order" of relationships - "the head of every man is the Messiah, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of the Messiah is God."  (v3)  The traditions of that time dictated that a man would not cover his head while praying or worshipping, while a woman would cover her head.  There was meant to be a distinction between men and women.  A man was not to use a veil like a woman did.. not try to look like a woman; nor was a woman to cut her hair in a way to look like a man.  It is not really saying that all men had to have short hair and all women long hair. Paul was teaching that men and women should both live in ways that honor the Lord.. even in how they act, dress and yes, even how they wore their hair.  

I know... this goes fully against the cultural leanings of our world today.  May God forgive us and bring our country back to truth and righteousness!

Verses 17-33 address a problem that the church in Corinth faced as they met together. There were "cliques" that were dividing the believers . The rich were acting selfishly and the poor were going hungry.  They had come together for the purpose of sharing a meal - an act of brotherhood and unity. But, what was really happening was just the opposite.  

Paul reminds the church about the purpose of the "Lord's supper".   They were all to take the bread together, for it represented the broken body of Jesus.  The cup represents the blood of Jesus which was shed to establish the "New Covenant".  These were to be taken together as a "memorial" to Jesus.  To take it selfishly.. greedily.. without consideration of the others - was to eat in an "unworthy" manner.  "So let a person examine himself first and then he may eat the bread and drink from the cup."  Wait for one another.. examine yourself... remember what the purpose of communion is really all about - the death of Jesus. 

I love to celebrate the Lord's supper at our church as we join together as one in remembering the death of Jesus who has purchased us!  Many years ago the Lord gave me a "picture" of something that I often think of as we take communion...  With the bread, I think of the broken body of Christ that purchased me from the slave market ( of sin) .  I can picture the awful place.. where the slaves stand on the auction block - dirty, shackled, hopeless,  and desperately afraid.  Then the  Lord enters and pays the price for me.. and I am made His.  He takes off the shackles and sets me free!  But, that is not the end!  With the cup, I think of how Jesus not only sets me free.. for He does not leave me as I was.. but He cleanses me.. makes me white as snow!  I am clothed in His garments of righteousness!  I am His.. free, cleansed, and made righteous by the blood that He shed for me. Hallelujah!

As we take communion together... let us take it with deliberate, thoughtful, and careful examination of ourselves and with hearts joined together as one in Christ our Savior. Let us truly remember and proclaim  "His death until He comes." 

Father, teach us Your ways that we might walk in true unity and love through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

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