Friday, July 24, 2020

Joshua 9-10

Joshua 9

All the kings in the land of Canaan joined together to fight against Israel. But, the Gibeonites decided to use a different strategy.  They pretended to be travelers from far away, dressed in worn out clothes and even carried dried up bread and worn out wineskins to make it look like they had traveled a long time.   They fooled Joshua and the leaders of Israel into making a covenant with them.  Joshua failed to consult the Lord before making this covenant, even though he was suspicious.  The Gibeonites became slaves to Israel.  Gibeon also became an enemy of the other kings because of this and war came to them.

Chapter 10

 Beginning with the attack on Gibeon, Israel began to attack and conquer the land.  City after city fell to Joshua and his army.  The Lord delivered the enemies into the hands of Israel.  He even used great hailstones to destroy armies and made the sun stop moving to help them during a battle.

Joshua knew that Adonai, the God of Israel "fought for Israel".  None of this would have been possible without the Lord's presence and power working His plan for them.

Like Joshua and the leaders of Israel we can be easily deceived if we are not careful to consult the Lord about our decisions.  Like Joshua, we can trust the Lord to do what He has said He would do - knowing He will fight for us to accomplish His will in us.  How blessed we are to know that our God is able to do anything!  He is with us and He is for us when we trust Him and obey His Word. Nothing is too hard for Jesus!

Father in heaven, may we be more aware of Your nearness to us and Your love and care for us.  You are here, beside us, in us, and around us - each of us;  for You are the Lord God Omnipotent and Omnipresent.  Help us to grasp and stand on these truths so that we can stand firm in You.  In Jesus' name we pray. amen.

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