Thursday, July 2, 2020

I Corinthians 6

In chapter 6 of I Corinthians Paul attacks a second serious issue in the church.  

The divisions among the people had gotten so bad that they were even taking each other to court over things that should have been handled within the church.   Paul says.. "How dare you.. shame on you.." In his view, this behavior was unacceptable.  As believers, they should have been able to settle disagreements among themselves. There should have been someone with wisdom in the congregation that could handle things.  Or better yet.. "Why not be wronged?  Why not be cheated?"  Turn the other cheek.. Love one another.. forgive one another.. be patient with one another ... 

But, "instead you yourselves wrong and  cheat; and you do it to your own brothers." 

They were living as if "everything [was] permitted."  They were doing whatever they felt like doing. And Paul says they were deluded.  "Don't you know that unrighteous people will have no share in the Kingdom of God?"  In case they weren't sure what that meant Paul gives them a list... sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, stealing, greed, drunkenness, cursing, robbery.. "none of them (the unrighteous who practices these sins)  will share in the Kingdom of God." 

As believers in Jesus Christ we have been spiritually united with Him.  We have ONE spirit with Jesus!
Our bodies have become His temple, "for the Holy Spirit" lives in us.  As God's holy people we have been "bought with a price".  We are to glorify God in our bodies. We are set apart for Him..".. but you were washed, but your were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. 

Father in heaven, You have cleansed us from all unrighteousness through the precious blood of our Savior.  The price that was paid for us.. oh how extravagant a price for someone such as me... Help us to be holy and pure in the power of Your Spirit, to the glory of Your Name.  We are Yours.. washed, sanctified, and justified in Jesus Christ.  May Your will be done in us, Your church, today.  In Jesus we come. Amen. 

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