Monday, July 20, 2020

Joshua 2

Joshua sent two spies to check out Jericho.  We know the story.. they end up at Rahab's home; she hides them and sends the soldiers out on a wild goose chase; she extracts a promise from them to rescue her and her family when they take Jericho; and they give her a scarlet cord to place in her window so that she will be spared along with everyone in her home. 

 The conditions of the agreement between the spies and Rahab were three-fold:

First, Rahab had to tie the scarlet cord in her window. An act of faith. 

Secondly, Rahab was told to gather her family together. All who came in would be rescued.  Anyone of her family that stayed outside of the door would not be saved.  An act of evangelism. 

Thirdly, Rahab had to keep silent about the spies "business". An act of courage. 

Rahab recognized and acknowledged that Adonai, God of Israel is "God in heaven above and on the earth below."  She was certain that God had already given Israel the land.  She decided to put her faith in the people of God and made this agreement with them.  She was saved and blessed because of these choices she made. "But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, her father's household and everything she had; and she has continued living with Israel from then until now; because she hid the messengers.. " (6:25)

Truly this account shows us that God looks on the heart and not on the outward appearance.. or past failures..  of people. ( Praise the Lord!)    It was not a coincidence that the spies came to Rahab's house. She was chosen to become one of God's own children;  He seemed to have already brought her to faith before the 2 spies had even shown up.  Because of her, all of her family members that were willing were also saved from destruction on that day.  Rahab's decision also brought her into a life that she could not have imagined. She married Salmon. She had a son named Boaz.  Boaz married a woman named Ruth.  They produced a son, Obed.. a grandson named Jesse, and a great-grandson named David.. the king of Israel. 

The Lord is speaking to us through this ancient account... We, also, need to act in faith, putting our full trust in the One whose blood ran red for us.  May we boldly proclaim the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We need to also bring in others - especially our families - telling them the way to salvation, inviting them  to (and  praying they will) come "inside"; into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. And, thirdly, we also are called to be courageous - standing up.. standing firm.. being bold and strong in the strength of our God, so that we can be all that He has planned for us to be.  No matter what our pasts may be.. we have a glorious future ahead with Jesus our Lord.. for all eternity. 

Father, You are God in heaven above and on the earth below.  We come to You and pray for Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Let Your kingdom come!  Save us, save our families, and Lord save our country from the evil one. Bring revival to our land, Lord God.  We look to You alone, for You are our Help and our Salvation. We pray in the powerful name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

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