Friday, July 3, 2020

I Corinthians 7

The bottom line of Chapter 7 of I Corinthians is found in verse 35, "I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to put restrictions on you - I am simply concerned that you live in a proper manner and serve the Lord with undivided devotion." ( CJB)  

Paul addresses marriage and singleness in this chapter.  His overall advice it for each person to "live the life the Lord assigned to him.. "  The most important thing is not whether you are married or single, Jewish or Gentile, or even a slave or a freeman.... the most important question is whether or not you are living in obedience to God's commands. 

This goes back to Paul's teaching in the first 6 chapters - as God's temple, as people called to holiness, purity, and truth - every part of our lives must be lived in surrender to our Lord.  In marriage, we need to love and honor one another according to God's Word.  In singleness, we should honor and obey the Lord, staying pure and holy. Our lives are no longer our own, as Paul reminds us for a second time in this letter, 
"You were bought at a price.. " 

What does that mean for you and me?  No matter what circumstances we are living in.. right now.. we are to live as God's holy possessions.. His treasures.. His children.  We choose to live moral, upright, and pure lives.. and we love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies.  And, we love our neighbors, our families, our countrymen, and yes, even our enemies... as our Lord has commanded us to do. 

Father, please help us to live in a proper manner and serve You, our Lord with undivided devotion. 
In the Name of Jesus, who paid that great price for us, we pray. Amen. 

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