Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Joshua 3-4

The Lord directed Joshua to prepare the people of Israel to cross the Jordan into the promised land.  The directions were given and followed completely.  This "wonder" of stopping the waters of a flooded Jordan accomplished several things:

3:7 " Adonai said to Joshua, 'Starting today, I will make you great in full view of all Israel; so that they will know that just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.' "  
The Lord pronounced a personal relationship with Joshua and confirmed His choice of Joshua as a leader for Israel.

3:10 "Here is how you will know that the living God is here with you..
The Lord used these events to confirm to all of Israel that He was with them and desired an ongoing relationship with them as His people for all generations.

4: 24 "From this all the peoples of the earth can know that the hand of Adonai is strong, and you can fear Adonai your God forever." 
The Lord desired "all the people of the earth" to know Him.

Our relationship with our heavenly Father needs to be a personal, one on one, intimate relationship.  We must commit ourselves to hear His voice and to follow His directions, even as Joshua did.
We are also called to be His church - the Body of Christ. So, we need, as a church to encourage and build up one another in faith, in hope, and in love, so that we will "know that the living God is here with [us]"
And, we must continue to live in obedience and faithfulness to tell every generation that "the hand of Adonai is strong."  He is almighty, omnipotent, and there is nothing that our God cannot do!

Tozer wrote this regarding the omnipotence of God, "Omnipotence is not a name given to the sum of all power, but an attribute of a personal God whom we Christians believe to be the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and of all who believe on Him to life eternal. The worshiping man finds this knowledge a source of wonderful strength for his inner life. His faith rises to take the great leap upward into the fellowship of Him who can do whatever He wills to do, for whom nothing is hard or difficult because He possesses power absolute."  May we also have faith in our God of "limitless power".

Father, You are almighty and glorious is every way.  You are infinite and never changing!  How we praise You and give thanks that we are able to call You our Father, by the grace poured out on the cross of Jesus Christ .  Father, engage every one of our hearts in this deep and intimate personal relationship with Yourself.  Draw us nearer!  Sanctify and purify Your church and fill us with Your Spirit that we might stand together through every trial and storm.  And Father, we pray for our nation and all nations, that they might join themselves with You and be Your people. You are able to do all things and there is nothing too hard for You.  We ask for healing for our land, Lord God.  Be exalted and glorified as You do a mighty work in us, we pray, in Jesus' name. amen.

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