Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I Corinthians 10

I Corinthians 10  
Paul uses the example of the Israelites during the Exodus to illustrate that the choices we make as Christians matter.  

All of Israel had been "guided by the pillar of cloud".  
They all "passed through the sea".
They all were "immersed" into Moses.
They all ate the manna.
They all drank from the Rock. 
"Yet, with the majority of the God was not pleased, so their bodies were strewn across the desert." ( v1-5)

So, basically they were redeemed, baptized, and chosen to be God's people. 
BUT.. they set their hearts on evil... they became idolators.  They behaved immorally. They put God to the test. They grumbled.  And many were destroyed. 

We are also faced with temptations.  All of us. And Paul gives this warning, "Therefore, let anyone who thinks he is standing up be careful not to fall!" We can deal with temptations.. because God is faithful.. but we have to trust Him and flee from those things that tempt us to turn away.. to rely on ourselves and not Him.  We need to take the time to truly examine ourselves and make sure we are living for Jesus in everything we do.. ".. whatever you do, whether it's eating or drinking or anything else, do it all so as to bring glory to God."  

Are we doing what is helpful?  Are we doing what is edifying?  Are we sensitive to the needs of others, spiritually?  Are we putting any obstacles in the way of others coming to Christ?  Do the choices we make, the lifestyle we choose.. helpful or hurtful for our brothers and sisters in Christ?  Do they keep someone from becoming a believer in Christ?

Father in heaven, we again call upon Your Name, that we might be Your holy people.. fully surrendered and obedient to Your Word and fully trusting in You for all things.  May we be strong in Your strength, acknowledging our own weaknesses.  May we be faithful  to stand firm in the armor of God, knowing that we are helpless on our own.  It is Your doing.. that we are saved, that we have been baptized in Christ , that we are Your children!  We thank You for this great grace... that we were bought  by such a precious cost. Open our eyes and hearts to follow You fully.  God of peace, sanctify us through and through.  Preserve us... spirit, soul, and body.. complete and without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You are faithful and unchangeable. You alone can bring this to pass. All praise and glory and honor to You, Lord. Amen. 

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