Friday, July 17, 2020

Joshua 1

The Lord speaks to Joshua after the death of Moses, commanding him to "Be strong, be bold.."  He will lead Israel across the Jordan to possess the land that God is giving them.  Adonai, the Lord, promised Joshua, "I will be with you, I will neither fail you nor abandon you." ( v5) and "Adonai your God is with you wherever you go." (v9)  

Joshua was exhorted to "Only be strong and very bold in taking care to follow all the Torah ... do not turn from it either to the right or to the left, then you will succeed wherever you go. Yes, keep this book of the Torah on your lips, and meditate on it day and night, so that you will take care to act according to everything written in it." ( v7-9)

Be strong.  Be bold. Be careful. 

Be strong - the Hebrew word used here is chazaq - its definition is interesting - to fasten upon, to seize, obstinate, to bind, restrain, conquer, be courageous; prevail, behave valiantly;   It reminds me of Paul's closing remarks to the Corinthians ". behave like men, grow strong.." ( 16:13)

Be bold - the Hebrew word here is amats -to be alert; courageous, steadfastly minded; prevail; be strong. 

Be careful- observe - hedge about; guard, protect, attend to; take heed; keep; preserve - .. to do according to the Law - this is repeated twice.  Follow ALL the Law;  Act according to the Law. 

Only then would they succeed and prosper.  To have success / to prosper ( both come from the same Hebrew word - [sakal-]- to be circumspect and hence, intelligent;  to be expert; skillful, to have understanding and wisdom; 

It is in knowing and doing the Word of God that we find true success; for God's way is the way of true Wisdom. This cannot be done lightly or half-heartedly.  These commands of the Lord are powerful, forceful and authoritative commands!  We need our Lord to be with us wherever we are, to never abandon or fail us - so that we can be strong, wise, courageous, and successful.  And we must continually meditate on His Word.. have it on our lips.. in our hearts.. filling our thoughts - so that we can DO according to His commands.  

The CJB study commentary makes this note about the phrase "on your lips" - this "refers to the custom of muttering while studying or reflecting.. when one continually mutters God's word, one is constantly thinking about it."  This is being "careful" to attend to , heed, and preserve the Word in our hearts "that we might not sin against God".  Perhaps we need to become mutterers?

Father , come and fill us once again with Your Spirit that we might be strong and bold, courageous and careful to do Your will.  Let Your Word be on our lips, in our hearts, and minds. Teach us to listen and obey as we put our trust in You, the only Wise God and in our Righteous Redeemer, Jesus  Christ. Amen. 

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