Monday, July 6, 2020

I Corinthians 8

Paul compares "knowledge" to "love".   There were some that argued that eating meat from idols didn't matter because they KNEW that idols weren't real.  Paul teaches that, even though this is true, that there were some who didn't have that knowledge yet.. and they might follow their friends in eating the meat.. but their consciences would be hurt and it would be sin for them to do it. "Thus by your 'knowledge' this weak person is destroyed, this brother for whom the Messiah died; and so when you sin against the brothers by wounding their conscience when it is weak, you are sinning against the Messiah!" ( v11-12) 

Paul says that "knowledge puffs a person up with pride; whereas love builds up." ( v1)
What things in our lives.. what "knowledge" do we have.. that tears down and destroys our brothers and sisters in Christ instead of building them up in the Love of Christ?  As Paul says, it's not about what we eat or drink or whatever... it's about loving others enough to sacrifice our own rights to do what we freely want to do. 

"However, if someone loves God, God knows him." ( v3)  Here we find the vital truth of our lives.. when we know and love God and He knows and loves us.. we will walk in His love and truly care about even the consciences of our fellow believers. Our "knowledge " doesn't encourage, build up, or help.  Only our love will do that. 

Father in heaven, we desire to honor and exalt Your name in all the earth. And we do know this.. You will be exalted! Our world is so blinded by sin and pride and self-centeredness, Father.  Deliver us from this evil.  Strengthen us, Your church, to be strong in your strength.  Direct our hearts into the love of God, that we might love You and cling to You, and that we might love one another as You have commanded us. May we be caring, patient, and gentle with one another, building up each other in love. Sanctify us through and through, Lord, that we might walk in the steadfastness of our Savior, Jesus Christ "through whom were created all things and through whom we have our being."  Amen. 

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