Thursday, July 16, 2020

I Corinthians 15:35-58; 16:13-14

At the beginning of chapter 15 Paul taught the importance of  believing that the resurrection of Jesus is real and that we, who are in Him, will also be resurrected from the dead.  In the rest of this chapter he explains what the resurrection will entail... and it is wonderful!

Paul starts with a basic, elementary truth -  a seed is sown in the ground;  it dies; out of this comes a new life; the plant produced does not look like the seed it came from but "God gives it the body he intended for it; and to each kind of seed he gives its own body." 

Another basic truth - not all "bodies" are the same.  Fish are not the same as birds; the sun is not the same as the moon or the earth; every star has "its individual kind of beauty." 

Then he goes on to teach the truth about "the resurrection from the dead" :

Our present bodies will decay - but our resurrected bodies will never decay!
Our present bodies will go into the ground "without dignity" - but our new bodies will be "beautiful"!
Our present bodies are just ordinary - our new bodies will be spiritual - super-natural, Spirit controlled!
Our present bodies resemble Adam, the first man - our new bodies will resemble "the last Adam." Jesus!
We were born "of the dust" - like Adam;  We become "people born from heaven.. like the man from heaven!"
".. flesh and blood cannot share in the Kingdom of God."  These human, decaying, bodies of dust, won't walk into Heaven.  We must be changed. 
We must be resurrected from the dead - and "we will all be changed"!

"It will take but a moment, the blink of an eye, at the final shofar. For the shofar will sound, and the dead will be raised to live forever, and we too will be changed." 
We will be clothed in material that will not decay, but will be imperishable and immortal. 

"Death will be swallowed up in victory !"
"..Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus the Messiah!" 

Stand firm!
Be immovable!
Do the Lord's work!
"Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, behave like men, grow strong. Let everything you do be done in love."  ( 16:13-14) Paul concludes his letter. 

Father in heaven, we are looking up, listening for the trumpet call, standing firm in faith, trusting in You alone, the God of heaven and earth!  We know and feel the weaknesses of mortal bodies.  We long to be  forever changed.. looking forward to the promises that You have given to us - that -  We Will Be Changed! Hallelujah! "Maranatha" - Lord come! Be our strength, our refuge, and our shield, Lord Jesus, as we wait for Your coming.  And we ask again that You would draw all people to Yourself and that more would be saved as they put their trust in You, the Lamb of  God who died, was buried, and who rose again!  It is in Your name we pray and bring our petitions, with thanksgiving. Amen. 

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