Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I Corinthians 14

I Corinthians 14 - Paul discusses two more spiritual gifts after teaching that the most important gift is love. 
These two gifts are "prophesy" and "tongues".  ".. Keep on eagerly seeking the things of the Spirit"; 
(v1)  Paul urges us,  but.. " let everything be for edification". ( v26) For building up.. for the common good. 

The gift of tongues had been given to the apostles on the day of Pentecost. It was also given to believers in the church.  Paul teaches here that, unless someone could interpret. tongues should be used "to speak to [oneself] or to God" ,  He says ".. tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers.."(v22 ) But on the other hand, if someone came into the church and couldn't understand anything that was being said, they would "think your are mad." ( v23)  It would not bring them to repentance  and salvation. He warned the church to not be child-like in their thinking, but "be mature".  Think about this carefully and wisely... unless the gift edifies the church, it's not the one to pursue or use without prayerful consideration. 

Instead, Paul tells the believers to "especially seek to be able to prophesy." To prophesy is to speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  It may mean foretelling, but here the emphasis is on "speaking to people, edifying, encouraging, and comforting them." (v3).  Paul says, ".. since you eagerly seek the things of the Spirit, seek especially what will help in edifying the congregation ." (v12)  

I have no argument for or against speaking in tongues. I have prayed for those in international ministry to have the gift of tongues.  I have very little exposure to it myself.  But, I do believe we have been blessed to have pastors and teachers gifted with prophesy - speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to build up the congregation by edifying, encouraging, and comforting us. This passage is urging us each to seek this gift - so that we can encourage and comfort and edify one another.  What greater way is that to express our love for one another? 

Father in heaven,  Enable us to speak with psalms, teachings or  revelations.  May we pray or sing with our minds and our spirits.  May we encourage and build up each other in the love of Christ our Lord. Fill us with Your Spirit and glorify the Lord Jesus we pray.  Amen

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