Friday, July 31, 2020

2 Corinthians 2   Paul loved the church at Corinth. He was distressed when they were allowing sin.. allowing the Adversary.. to cause disunity and strife.  He wanted to come to them with rejoicing, not discipline.  But, the church did follow Paul's instructions and dealt with the problem as they should.  Now, Paul taught - forgive, restore, encourage and comfort the repentant sinner.

How is it that we are quick to point fingers at those who fall, but slow to forgive and restore the one who repents?  It is hard to trust someone again after they have fallen... yet we all have stumbled at one point or another.  Perhaps the one we fail to trust or forgive is our loved one.. or even.. ourself.  Paul's teaching is for us too , to- "forgive.. encourage.. comfort" .  

Verse 14 " But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." This is an excellent word to pray for those who minister the Word of God.

Father in heaven, bless Your servants who preach the Word, near or far, that as they preach the truth of Jesus Christ - it will be a sweet aroma that leads to life and salvation .  Have mercy on those who are now lost and blind, those who smell only death... for only by the power of Your mighty Hand can these be found, receive their sight, and brought to life again..  Send workers into Your harvest fields, Lord, to speak the Words of Life and may the fruit of changed lives bring glory and honor to Your holy Name. Amen.

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